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Thursday 19 January 2012

Ramblings: Working in a shoe shop is good because...'s full of all sorts of cardboard-y things to get crafty with! 

001. That is where the good reasons to work in a shoe shop end, unfortunately. Infact, if ever i have children in the future and they say to me "when i grow up, i want to work in a shoe shop", i will tell them ever so simply "You don't". (Obviously i'm not that evil - if it really was their dream to work in a shoe shop i'd tell them to go for it.. I don't want any comments saying i'm going to be a horrible future mother.. :))

002. One would think that being surrounded by shoes every day of my life would be a dream come true for any female. It's not. I can tell you. I've seen grown women get rather nasty over a pair of flip-flops.

003. BUT, being the arty little person i am, i find that working in a shoe shop is helpful with sourcing crafty-materials. Shoe boxes often contain all sorts of wonderful things to be creative with. I often come home with a shed-load of crap under my arm - For example, tissue paper (unbelieveable amounts of this i might add..), foamy stuff, bubble wrap (Woo! Free bubble wrap!), cardboard cuttings and - best of all - EMPTY SHOE BOXES GALORE.

004. Some of these boxes being very pretty.. I have about a million of these at home (i say a million, i mean like 3):
 Yes..Lelli Kelly boxes. If you have a little girl you will know that they go crazzy-crazzy for these little sequined, sparkle-overloaded shoes of magical-ness. I personally get a bit happy when they decide they don't want the box...

This is because they are the actual perfect size for housing all of my arty-materials; felt tip pens, crayons - ha that makes me sound a little bit childish doesn't it?.. 'I like Lelli Kelly boxes to put my crayons in them'...

005. They're also the perfect size for MAKING THINGS! My current project idea at Uni requires me to make something with a box, so i'm hoping that i walk in on Saturday morning to find a shit load of these little beauties (or similar sized boxes) waiting for me in the rubbish pile.. OOO I cannot contain my excitement..

I have quite a few posts planned for the next few weeks. As some of you may know i'm off on holiday - so im hoping to do a posts on all sorts of stuff from holiday essentials, my makeup/outfits and how i pack my suitcase..  *Watch this space*

Lots of love,


  1. That shoebox is so cute, why can't womens' shoes come packaged like that?! haha. x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. that shoe box is gorgeous. kinda matches your header? haha,would be perfect for storage. and dont you get a discount off shoes then?! x

  4. I worked part-time at a shoe shop back in the 80's! The owners have since retired and the shop is closed because they could not find a buyer. The closing was in the local paper because the shop had been open for so long


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