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Saturday 8 October 2011

"There is nothing wrong with change, if it's in the right direction"

Hey beautifuls!

I am extremely apologetic about my lack of second post since my first one - oops :)  (what a great way to start off my blog)! :) I've recently been quite busy sorting out all sorts of stuff for my new venture in life - university. AHH. To many people this doesn't seem like such a big deal, but for me it's been quite an important decision..

I never wanted to go to uni. I've always said that right from school & through college, so when i first had that little voice in my head about a year ago that said otherwise,i was a little bit unsure as to whether to go or not.

For the past 3 years, i've worked in retail, and it has been my trusty 'safety blanket' ever since. I think it is very easy to get stuck in a rut with a job. Especially with me.. i HATE hate hate change. It scares me. I like to stick to what i know, be comfortable in what im doing, and just knowing whats going to happen every day is kind of comforting.  I've always felt content working in retail, but i have always had this feeling right from the beginning that it wasn't for me - certainly not long term. So, after 2 years of full-time retail working, i finally SNAPPED.. and believe me..i snapped alrighty! And decided i needed to do something else and completely change it all, but i put this off for about a year - simply because

I. do not. like change.

BUT.. i dont like being bored either. And believe me i was so completely bored.
I woke up one day and thought, "im going to make a step towards something new". EEK. So i ordered a tonne of university and college prospectuses, grabbed a handful (or two) of brochures and researched ALL my options. And applied.
I didn't think anything of it. Until a few months before my course starting date, and thats when i began to panic and think 'oh crap :| What have i done?'

HOWEVER, to cut a long story short, its been the best thing ive done in a very long time. I dont feel as if im plodding along in something that doesn't really interest me anymore, i feel as if im actually going somewhere. Yes, i have absoloutely no money (oo..talking about change, my shopping habits have had to be cut down immensely *sad face*), i have to cut down on my pub visits (*sad face*) BUT, i finally took that chance and changed something that wasnt right, (and hadnt been right for quite some time).. and its made a BIG difference to me.

If theres anything i have learnt, if you're not happy with something, change it. It is a little bit scary, but youll feel heaps better for making a start :) *smiley face* :)

And, just incase i ever do get a little bit scared about all these new things happening, i still kept my retail job, just one day a week. I still like to have my little 'safety blanket' there, even if it is just an 8 hour Saturday shift...

Lots of bird hugs 

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