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Wednesday 19 October 2011

John Frieda: Luxurious Volume Blow Dry Lotion

Yes. This is another VOLUME-Y product review, but i will literally pick up anything that tells me that my hair will be huge after using it. So, on reading the back of this i was so excited to try it, 'volumises hair to new heights', OO yes please!

I actually bought the mini version in Superdrug when they had their amazing "3 for so many pounds" deal. I must have bought a basket load of miniture products that day; 
1) because i was going on holiday and needed suitcase sized goodies (more room to cram in even more clothes i probably wont wear) 
2) because i like to try samples before i invest my well earned dollar in the actual sized product 
3) because they look so flipping CUTE. :) What is it with girls and miniture versions of things? or is that just me?.. 

It's basically a root lift spray...which is applied at the roots..believe it or not.
Unlike mousse, you put this in and you feel as if you haven't really done much; it feels like you're just spraying water in your hair rather than spending time to work in a product. Although, after blowdrying i was quite pleased to see it had actually done something. It is quite similar to the effects of the 'Mark Hill: Va Va Voom Mousse' which i reviewed earlier in the month, but it isn't as heavy, doesn't feel as sticky in your hair and generally just feels like you aren't loading your locks up with product. 

I towel dry my hair as usual, then instead of just spraying onto the hair, i lift up the top layers and spray at the roots underneath. Afterwards i just give it a quick massage and then do my usual 'tip upside down and blast with a hairdryer' routine. Or alternatively, if that makes you feel a bit strange, then just simply lift at the root and blowdry slightly upwards to get a similar result. I also find it helps to use a large barrel brush to lift hair at the root, especially near my fringe. 

To say that the miniture version is quite, well, miniture.. It actually lasted quite some time. Which is quite impressive since i have a lot of hair!! =] I used about 2 sprays 'per section' (about 1-2 inches each around the crown of my head, if you're unsure). I didn't put much in towards the bottom, just concentrating on the top seemed to work fine for me.


Overall, i liked it. I liked it muchly. It made a nice change to loading up my hair with mousse. I tend to alternate between this and my trusty mousse now, as i find both give similar results and hold quite well. If im going for a straight hairstyle i tend to use this, so it doesn't weigh it down so much. 

Sadly, my little miniture bottle of this has now been used up, but i will be purchasing the normal sized bottle as soon as i get chance to. (Im waiting for one of the John Frieda deals to pop up, as i need another one of their hair products too - SUCH a thrifty person i am)
What does everyone else think of root sprays? Or will you be sticking to mousse? If anybody knows of any other good ones please suggest them to me, as i must admit ive been loving this one.

Lots of Bird love

1 comment:

  1. This has just been put on my want list after reading your post! Also.. everytime I go into Boots/Superdrug I'm like "aww I need these" at the miniatures haha xxxx


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