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Saturday 5 November 2011

Review: Schwarzkopf Powder'ful Volumising Powder

Schwarzkopf Got2B: Powder'ful Volumising Powder

Hi everyone! So i thought it was about time i do a review on this. Just recently there has been quite a lot of additions to the 'volumised hair products market', in the form of volumising powders, which as you can imagine, i have been extremely pleased about. They are said to be a lightweight, easy way of transforming lank hair into a big beautiful barnet, so i thought, i'll 'ave a bit of that!! I spent about a week (or two) deciding between this one or the 'vo5' one (yes i know, SUCH a tough decision). I finally decided on this one when i saw it was on offer for £2 in Boots. They normally retail at about £6 so i thought i'd snap one up and give it go (for £2 i wasn't going to cry tears over it if it didn't work). 

I have to say, i have fallen in love with this little tub of wonderful-ness. It took me a while to fall in love with it, mind. I really, really was not too sure about these powders to start with. I expected it to feel like a flour-y substance once it was in my hands, but it feels nothing like that whatsoever. It feels sticky-ish (i can't really describe it in a nice way, it's suprisingly unlike dry shampoo texture which is what i expected), but it is completely invisible once massaged in , and it feels lovely and soft and generally makes me hair feel light and bouncy.

It has recently become one of those products, of which in the event of forgetting it, i feel quite uneasy (haha). I can go quite some time without backcombing if i pop some of this in (which is an achievement for me!). I found that its best to just start with a little bit, and build it up to your requirements, as i can imagine that overloading it is going to do the exact opposite and weigh your hair down.

I just love how lightweight it is to carry, it's great to just put in my bag for uni and i don't have to cart round big bottles of volumising hairspray! (FINALLY!) The only downside (if this even is much of a downside) is that the powder comes out of the tub extremely fast and in large amounts if you're not careful with it. I've often tipped some into my hand and wondered what to do with all the powder! I must have wasted so much of this, but i suppose i will know for future purchases (and i will be re-purchasing as soon as this runs out!) It is my new little life saver :)

I tend to pop a bit in near the roots, and the mid-lengths of my hair. (It works well with beachy-waves or curls as it makes your hair appear thicker and more wispy) I just shake the tub up to 'awaken the powder', pop some into my hands, rub them together briefly until the powder disappears and then just sort of scrunch/lightly pat it in an upwards motion into my hair to encourage root lift. It actually says on the packaging that you can actually apply it straight to the roots for extra volume, however i must admit i haven't tried this method yet! Im a bit scared it's going to look awful and turn my hair greasy... And it works fine anyway by just lightly applying it. Im a big believer in less is more :)

Overall i've been happy with it. It has taken some time to get the hang of it and find out how much i need each time and whatnot, but now i couldn't be without it. I think my backcombing brush is feeling a bit left out just recently...
I really want to try the VO5 'Give me texture' version. I must admit i've shaken it up in the shops and it fascinates me how the powder sort of expands.. Im sure it's the exact same thing but i might give it go next time and see which one i prefer.. 

Thought i would drop in a little photograph of my hair after using this..i wish i had taken a 'before' photo but i wasn't that clever :) All you need is a quick ruffle of hair with this powder and it really does make a difference. I recommend muchly.

Have you tried any volume powders? What did you think?

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend :)


  1. Your hair looks amazing in the photo! I'm now getting this, I've always been tempted buy this or the VO5 one so if you try that please do a blogpost! xxx

  2. aww thankyou lovely :) Yes it really does work i coudlnt live without it now! I will do a review on the vo5 one asap :) xx

  3. i got this, im still working out how to get the best from it because this windy weather isnt helping, its seems to be making my hair feel rough? (if thats the best way to describe it) but i will keep trying it as you described.


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