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Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas! | My New Job & Festive Chit-Chat

So then, hands up...who's broken the rule of Christmas and prematurely delved in to the Roses tin? I have no shame in admitting that I'm currently typing away nibbling on what I'm sure will be the first of many golden barrels and I feel absolutely no guilt whatsoever.  I suspect it won't be long until I give in to the Matchmakers temptation either.  Food aside, I wasn't planning on a 'chatty' Christmas post this year but spur of the moment seems to have grabbed me.  Personally, I always enjoy writing posts like these - I can just ramble on without any planning whatsoever and it's always nice to look back through my archives and remember where I was and what was going on in my life when I typed certain posts. Is anyone else like that? Isn't it funny how your blog becomes a diary without you even realising it? 

I must admit I haven't felt particularly festive this year - this isn't like me whatsoever as I'm usually the first person to adorn a santa hat and get everybody singing festive crap (if any of my old uni lot are reading this I'm sure they'll vouch for the festive singing...) There's been a couple of things that put a bit of a lid on it all at the beginning of the month and even though I've tried my very hardest to keep my Christmas spirits up (which has involved many a trip to Costa and aimless walks around the Christmas market) I must admit it's been a struggle this year.  As well as a few personal things, I also found myself without a job at quite possibly the worst time of year to be out of work.  I'm lucky in the sense that I've had some trusty savings to fall back on and I've still been able to treat friends and family to a certain extent - but if you've been in a similar position to me on the run up to Christmas you'll know exactly what I mean... you end up feeling a little bit left out of it all.  The worry completely takes over the festive spirit and all you can think about is 'what on earth am i going to do when this is all over?'... you realise just how much having a job contributes to your overall happiness and it's exaggerated even more at this time of year.

However, it seems as if the Christmas fairies decided that it was time something good came my way - because after months and months of worry I'm so chuffed to say that I NOW HAVE A NEW JOB!  I kid you not, it was the best Christmas present ever and it meant so much to me (so much so that if anybody saw me in the city centre yesterday they probably felt a little bit sorry for me - because I actually cried. In public)  It was just a complete mix of happiness and relief and I couldn't have wished for anything better.  Honestly - if I could have made a list of everything I wanted my new job to offer - this one ticked it all.  It's a little further out of the way than expected but as I'm not the most confident driver in the world, I took it as a positive as it will mean I'm using my car a great deal more.  I've promised myself I'll treat myself to a new Beth-mobile if all goes well and I get over my little driving hurdle... We shall see!

In the meantime, I can't wait to read everybody's Christmas themed posts - I'm pretty sure I'll be adding to my wish list very soon and of course, there's all the '2o14 Favourites' to come! I'll certainly be treating myself to a few new bits and bobs in January as a little pat on the back to myself for getting to where I wanted to be before the new year - i didn't expect everything to fall in to place so close to Christmas! I've spent the morning taking photographs all ready for my 'best of 2014' posts and I've been putting together some new year themed rambles (as cliche as they are, who doesn't make a new years resolution or two?!) - so keep your eyes peeled for those. Until then, I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS - i hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow and the old bearded chappy brings you lots of lovely things. 

Lots of love, Beth xox


  1. Well done babe! I am SO happy for you!

    Don't worry about the driving thing, my jobs also a bit out the way and I have to drive on difficult roads, but I literally got used to it within a week :)

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. thanks so much! :) I have so much to tell you about - look out for an email coming your way soon!

      Eek - hoping i get used to it quickly... It wasn't so bad when i went for the interview but I'm yet to tackle it at rush hour.

      Have a great Christmas love! xx

  2. Congratulations on the new job Beth :) I hope everything goes well!
    & Merry Christmas
    Natalie xx

  3. Congratulations on your new job, hope you have a good Christmas!


  4. I haven't felt very festive this year either. Im looking forward to 2015 & hoping its better than this year. Congratulations on the new job, what a positive way to end the year. Merry Christmas

  5. Love holiday post's - everything just get a bit more happy x.

  6. Ohh congratulations, that is such lovely news, and the best present for you! Don't worry about crying in public, been there, done that...oh dear!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  7. Congrats on the new job! Merry Christmas! :)


  8. Ha i got a new job on the same day as you- agreed best present ever!! happy xmas xxx

  9. Happy holiday's!


  10. Congrats Beth! And Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful day! <3

    Colorful Closets

  11. congratz on the job! i know exactly how you feel, having finished uni in may and not finding a job until sept this year, the sense of relief is amazing. good luck and have a wonderful christmas x


  12. Congrats !!!! Merry christmas ^.^

  13. Congratulations!! And Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you too! :)

    Watching for Pigs on the Wing

  14. Congratulations on the new job Beth - what a lovely Christmas present!! I look forward to hearing all about it :) wishing you a very Merry Christmas!! Xx.

  15. I completely agree, when writing a blogpost sometimes I often think "whoa, when did this become my diary?!". Congrats on the new job, that is SO exciting and I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for you Beth :)

    Beautyosaurus Lex

  16. congrats on your new job! merry christmas and happy new year xx

  17. Ah brilliant news on the job, congratulations xx


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x