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Monday 22 October 2012

Tag: Why Do You Wear Make-Up?

Image: WeHeartIt (edited)

I was tagged by the lovely Katie from Katie Lew La to do this post - it's a short and snappy little tag - so I thought it would make for a jolly good light-hearted read. I think it's clear to see from reading other answers, that the majority of us come to the same conclusion when people ask us 'why do you wear make-up?'. I don't feel as if it is a need, but I feel much more presentable and confident with it... I like to feel like i'm making the best of myself. 

1. When did you begin loving make-up? I was into make-up way before any of my friends when I was younger. I remember being in the Brownies (ahh surely some of you went to a Brownie group and made cups of tea for 'Brown Owl'..right? ;)) and telling everyone I wanted to be a make-up artist when I grew up. I used to really annoy my poor friends - I'd take my make-up 'box' with me round to their houses and do them up using all the different coloured lipsticks and eyeshadows that I'd collected from magazines and birthday presents, whilst they would have happily sat and played Mario Kart on the N64... The obsession has pretty much grown from there... and here I am now with a set of drawers full of make-up in my bathroom and a beauty blog.

2. How do you feel without make-up? I'm not going to lie - I don't feel what one would call 'at one's best'. But i'm comfortable with myself without it. This said, I only ever go out without it if i'm going out in my car somewhere boring (Tesco, Maccies drive-thru..). If i'm on holiday I won't wear anything whatsoever until I go out at night - I suppose it depends on the situation. Day to day, I do like to apply make-up though. I wouldn't ever dream of going to uni or to work with nothing on at all. To be honest, with a bit of concealer and a quick flick of mascara i'm pretty content to go anywhere. I enjoy applying it and experimenting with different products, so applying make-up in the morning is just part of my day. I don't cake it on - I like to look made-up, but natural. I just like to feel at my best.

3. What do you like about make-up? It can bring out your best features, make you look presentable and above all, it hides all matter of sins! If i've had a late night, or my skin is looking dull, or if i've burnt myself on the face with my curling tongs and have a massive red rectangular mark on my cheek (true story.) then make-up will soften the imperfections and make you look as if you never accidentally burnt yourself whilst half asleep with your curlers that morning.

4. Three 'Holy Grail' items - oh this is just cruel.
Estee Lauder Smoothing Creme Concealer (review here)
Urban Decay's Naked Palette - every eyeshadow I could possibly need to survive - in one palette.
Illamasqua's powder blush in 'Lover' (post here) - the best blush I have ever owned and one I always go back to.

I tag all of my fellow bloggers to do this! I've just written a list and there was so many it just looked ridiculous... so - if you've got this far and are reading this - I tag you :) but you must, must, must tweet me or leave me a comment to tell me youve done it so I can have a nosey - it's only fair ;)



  1. I did this tag last week! I loved your answers and I find these things very interesting. Ahhh we nosy people ;)xx

    1. ahh me too - i love a good nosey into other people's lives ;) haha
      will have a look over at your blog lovely :) xx

  2. I love this tag! Can't wait to do this!

  3. OOohh will definitely do this tag! xx

  4. love this tag, I find it so interesting!
    also great blog:) xx

  5. fabulous tag babes, I've been wanting a new tag to do for ages, so will be giving this one ago. haha I used to be a brownie too, good old days hah xxx

    1. ahh the days of filling up a sash with badges haha

  6. Love this tag. How gorgeous is that YSL lippie!! <3 xx

    1. its beaut isnt it! I love the YSL lippies! xx

  7. I think I'll do this tomorrow! I really enjoyed reading this!

    Lea x

    1. Thanks lovely
      Look forward to reading your answers xx

  8. Haha you're answers are much like mine will be. Defos doing this! xx

    1. haha will look forward to reading your answers and nodding along then :P xx

  9. hiya.. random question! what font was this written in? i'm trying to find the perfect font for mine but i cant! xxxx

    1. Hiii - i don't pick a font i just keep it on the 'default' font setting - i just type it and post :) Hope you sort it out lovely x

  10. My Mum's a Brown Owl! Such a sweet tag, I need to do this :) also agree about how concealer and mascara are the staples xxx

    1. awww your mums a star :) Id love to be a brown owl :P haha
      OO yes couldnt live without either product - if i just had to pick 2 things, then concealer and mascara hands down! x

  11. Haha oh no I remember brownies, this made me giggle...I might have to do this tag :) Sophie at Sophie Rose

    1. haha i loved Brownies :P highlight of my Wednesday after school :P Look forward to you doing the tag :) xx

  12. I feel exactly the same as you on (2).

    I love your blog so I'm now following :) xxx


  13. Great answers! I was totally the opposite as a kid, I was a serious tom boy and didn't care about makeup until I was about 13/14 - and from there I went on a spiral into the fashion world hahahah!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  14. lovely post :)
    think i might do this tag :) xx

  15. lovely read! I have done the post too :)

  16. I agree with you on a lot of your points, make up definitely brings out the best in us and makes us look presentable.

    Here's my take on the tag:



I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x