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Wednesday 10 October 2012

Barry M Lip Liners

L-R / 1. Lip Liner Shade '7' / 2. Lip Liner Shade '2' / 3. Kohl Pencil Shade '25'

Following on from my previous post about my Top 5 autumn lipsticks of the moment (you can find that post here if you missed it), I thought I'd do a quick post on the lip liners I use alongside them. I always like to apply lip liner if I'm wearing darker shades of lipstick - I like the fact that they keep your colour looking neat and tidy at the same time as defining the outline of your lips to give the illusion of a fuller shape. I don't like to spend the earth on lip liners, as they're something I don't use on a day-to-day basis, so I tend to hunt down specific shades I need in drugstores. I always end up back at the Barry M stand. 

I find their lip liners to be the easiest to apply and above all the most long lasting. They have a fabulous range of shades - and I always seem to find a decent colour match for what I'm after. They apply perfectly - I find some lip liners drag the skin slightly but these go on so easily and smoothly. I purchased shade 7 to match 'Beguiled' and 'Mulberry', shade 2 to match 'Cherries in the Snow' and shade 25 to match up with my red lipsticks (all lipsticks mentioned here are featured in my previous post). They're also superly duperly purse friendly at £2.99 each.

What are your go-to lip liners?
What do you think of the Barry M liners?


  1. I've used Barry M lip liners before and they're fab! Amazing for the price :)



  2. these are lovely. I just bought some dark red and dark purple lipsticks from MUA for £1 but these shades look nicer! xxx

  3. these look great & at a great price x

  4. I don't use lipliners often but I definitely think I need to invest in a few for when I wear bright lippys, it makes a big difference!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

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  6. The shade number 7 is actually what I've been looking for! Thanks for sharing :) I'm hosting a cool RedRock Giveaway if you want to check it out xx

  7. Ooooh shade 7 looks gorrrrj! I freakin love your posts girly! xxx

  8. Shade 7 looks lovely! :)
    have you tried MUA lip liners? they're good too :) xx

  9. What a great deal! I've never tried Barry M lipliners before and they look really fantastic xoxo

  10. I love these shades - the darkest one doesn't suit my complication - though I wish it did! I have these and I have the natural collection one, though cheaper I thought they were quite good hehe
    I love your blog and decided to follow , do you think you could take a peek at mine and possibly follow back? Thanks x

  11. I love the red one, I always pair this with "Rubywoo" X

  12. Ahh going to have to hunt down 7 and 25 to go with all my deep purple and red lipsticks, thanks for the suggestions xx

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