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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Birds Words on Twitter

Evenin' you wonderful bunch.

After muchos umming and arring, i have finally decided to get myself onto Twitter. I feel like i'm missing out on good things by not having it, and of course this now means that i can keep in contact more easily with all of you lovely lot. I shan't make any promises that i'll be tweeting a lot to begin with - having a blog and keeping up with uni work at the same time as maintaining having a life means that i won't be on there as much as i'd like - but nonetheless i have now jumped on the Twittery bandwagon. I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box with these things so please do forgive me if i'm a little slow :) My account is protected so send me over a request and i will accept as soon as possibley. 



  1. I'm following you! :) @sarahlou88xoxo


  2. Love that lip color

  3. Following you lovely :) @sarahcxo

  4. Yay, you are finally on Twitter :) Going to follow you now! I only joined a few weeks back myself and am obsessed now!!

    1. Yaaayss :) thankyouu :) Ive been on it for a few hours and im already getting a bit attached.. eek! such a good way of chatting to everyone though! dont know why id never joined before xx

  5. thanks for following lovelyyss :) xx

  6. welcome to twitter! it is so much more fun than facebook! you can def get away with a lot more!! @messydirtyhair

    xx Kelly


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x