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Tuesday 8 October 2013

The Perfect Autumn Glow | Clarins - Liquid Bronze

I'm partial to having a bit of a sunkissed glow.  It's no secret that I'm most certainly a 'fan of the tan' and although i don't like to be too brown, I do like to keep a little bit of a glow to my skin all year round.  I haven't got the palest skin in the world, but in winter it can tend to look a little dull, and generally a little lifeless unless I give it a bit of a boost.  However, fake tan for the face is one thing I struggle with.  Most fake tans I've used to far have either been too dark, too patchy or too pore 'cloggy'.  Not a good look I'm sure you'll all agree - especially in winter when it's quite obvious that you haven't simply popped over to the Bahamas overnight - I like a natural, effortless glow.  Enter 'Clarins Liquid Bronze' - my new go-to facial tanner.  It's basically become somewhat of a 'cult product' amongst the beauty blogging world of late. It's easy to see why.

Clarin's Liquid Bronze is not your average facial tanner.  It's subtle, it takes a bit of building up and it certainly doesn't give you that 'just stepped off the plane look' - but that's why it's perfect for this time of year.  I won't pull the wool over your eyes - it will not give you a massive colour difference - it is extremely subtle and if you have an olive or dark skintone then this won't be for you. This being said, I don't have the lightest skin in the world (but it's fair to say I can look like a bit of a pale face at times) and I can see a noticeable difference after using it 2 nights in a row.   What I love about it is that it gives such a natural hint of a summer glow - it looks unbelievably smooth and gives your skin that slight 'olive' undertone and inner radiance that you might get when you've been out in the sun for a while.  You could easily use this every evening for a little moisture boost and never look like you've gone 'over the top' with the fake-bake when you wake up in the morning.  

It comes out of the bottle as a white liquid/cream which is fairly thin in consistency.  I simply smooth it onto my face and neck before bed using a cotton pad and let it work it's magic overnight. I find it sinks in really quickly - and leaves the skin feeling moisturised and smooth afterwards instead of sticky and 'heavy' like other fake tans I've used. It also doesn't have that dreaded biscuit smell; a lot of bloggers have said how nice this product smells and I have to agree - it's really fresh and fruity.  It actually reminds me of Fruit Salad sweets - anyone remember those?!  It contains Aloe Vera and Vitamin E to help soothe and soften the skin - so it does have added benefits and isn't merely 'just a facial tanner'.It's also worth pointing out that I have sensitive skin that tends to break out if I use products that don't agree with me - and although Liquid Bronze is fragranced, it hasn't caused me any problems whatsoever and I find it to be very gentle on the skin.

I bought my bottle of Debenhams online when they had free delivery and 10% off (link) - so it's worth shopping around as I often see this product discounted by a couple of pounds. Liquid Bronze retails for £18.00 - which isn't the cheapest of facial tanners out there but it is worth it if this is the type of thing you're after.  This product isn't for everyone, and if you're looking for a tanner that provides a deep colour this won't be for you.  But if you're after a subtle, even colour, have a very light, pale skin tone or are a bit of a 'novice' when it comes to facial tanning - this might be worth a shot. 

Have you tried Liquid Bronze? What were your thoughts?


  1. Recently I stopped applying fake tan to my face because it get a little much so this sounds like a great subtle alternative. I just need something to give me a slight bit of colour other than ghost white so think I will be buying one of these very soon. Also I found it interesting you apply with a cotton pad, I may have to try this!
    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  2. I went through a phase of really wanting this, I forgot about it for a while and now it's back on my wishlist again! I've never applied fake tan to my face before for fear it would break me out, but this seems like it would be a good choice..! :) x

  3. This sounds like such a super product, similar to what I'd heard before, and I'm definitely getting it next month :o). Xx

  4. This is my favourite facial tanner, it is quite subtle but does give you a really nice glow. Does not make me break out either, I love it!

  5. This sounds perfect for the winter! Gotta love a glow all year round ;) xo

  6. I ended up buying the darker version of this a few weeks back and its TOO dark so may have to pick this one up :) thanks for sharing

  7. This sounds amazing, because I wear a high SPF on my face it doesn't tend to tan as much as my body even in the summer, so this would be perfect to even me up! xx

  8. I like the idea of having a subtle tan and as you said it's what you need for this time of the year!

    Ila x

  9. I love this! It was a total lifesaver in summer when I wanted 'no make up days' but my face was paler than the rest of my body so I just looked a bit odd. I'm not a fan of the phrase 'healthy glow' but that really is what this gives, subtle but lovely! xx

  10. I really want to give this a go, I've heard so many wonderful things about it! At the moment, I'm feeling so pale and my skin looks quite dull so I'm hoping this will inject a bit of warmth and life back into it. Thanks for the review missy!

  11. This looks amazing just don't think I have the cash to spare! xo

  12. This is the next thing I'm going to buy!
    I follow you :)

    Just a little prettier

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