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Monday 2 July 2012

Tag: Blogging Love | Why I Love Writing My Blog

When I saw that the lovely Kayleigh had started a blog-tag, I thought it was such a fabulous idea- starting my blog is one of the best things I've done and without sounding a little bit cliche'd and a little over the top, I don't know what I'd do without it! So, I decided to continue this bloggy-loving seshh and state my own reasons for why I love blogging - and hopefully some of you who haven't already started your own and are putting it off (just like i did) may actually start your own. All you have to do is share 5 reasons why you love blogging, share an aim and a tip - and who has inspired you.

1. Sharing an interest: I've always loved make-up - whether it be collecting cosmetic-freebies out of magazines when I was rather young (admit it, you all remember having your mum buying you 'Girl Talk' at some stage in your lives..), or borrowing lipsticks out of my mother's makeup bag. I was into makeup way before any of my friends and I used to bore them senseless with eyeshadows and lipglosses - even taking my makeup palettes over to my friends houses before we all went to Brownies together (hahaa..) and giving them 'makeovers' they really didn't want. That's where the obsession began and it's never really stopped. Blogging about something that interests me and sharing it with like-minded people is something I really enjoy, and it's great to have the input of other beauty-fanatics and chit-chat along the way. I've always loved writing too - so I guess it's my way of combining my two loves! :)

2. Other Bloggers: Which brings me onto my next reason... And probably one of the best. It's great getting to chat to other girls who share your interest - a lot of girls are put off blogging for fear of 'bitchy comments' and I have never experienced any of that - the girls who i follow and occasionally have a bit of Twitter-banter with are fast becoming new potential friends of mine and one of the best things about blogging is getting to know the people who comment/email ect...

3. Finding New Things: I've found some of my holy grail products through reading other blogs. It's great to hear opinions on what some people love and don't like and why and I love trying new things and seeing what works for me and what doesn't. I've found amazing products which i would never have found before. As well as writing my own blog I actually enjoy reading what other's have to say - there's nothing like settling down after a day at work with a cuppa and reading through everyone's posts and getting more inspiration for your own.

4. Creativity: There's nothing like taking a few photos for your blog and feeling jolly well chuffed with yourself for seeing a post you've been planning in your head come to life when you hit the 'publish' button. I also find it helps with any writing I have to do at uni - I find words come to me much more easily now I write regularly on here - even if it is in more of an informal 'chitchatty' manner, I find words flow more naturally.

5. Personal Space: I see my blog as a place to write whatever I want, whenever I want. And although I do class this as my 'beauty blog' - I also see it as a place to have a ramble about anything that takes my fancy or even have a little moan or a grumble..

My Blogging Aim: I've never really had an aim as such. I guess it would just be to continue to grow as a blogger and keep developing my blog. If i'm honest, I would really love to attend a beauty event one day - and of course, seeing that I have a new follower really brightens my day. I'd also really love to start a second blog as a more work-based professional space to put my uni-work - so watch this space!

My Blogging Tip: Don't ignore your followers and make the effort to get to know people! As a blogger you want people to read what you're writing, but in return it's nice to read what others have to say too. I always know whos actually read my posts from the comments. Theres nothing i hate more than people who just write 'nice post follow me ill follow you back'. It has the opposite effect!! If you want people to come over to your blog, you have to put the work in too. Take interest in what other people have to say, comment, interact and follow people on Twitter - think of it more like a conversation than a one-way thing. Enjoy having your own little space and making it yours.

Blogger Who Has Inspired Me: This is a no-brainer for me and probably an answer that will crop up regularly on this tag. But Zoe from Zoella and of course Louise from A Sprinkle Of Glitter are just my favourite bloggers to read. I love the way Louise writes her posts  - her personality really comes across in whatever she writes and she's brightened up many a bad day at the office for me! I've been reading their blogs for ages and often sit and have a read through on the bus or even when im on holiday - they're such lovely girls and i always find some amazing products via their blogs, at the same time as feeling like i've just had a natter with a good friend, or 'chummy' as they would say..

I think it's safe to say that beauty-blogging is good for the soul yet bad for the bank balance! ;) I've found that i've spent more money since starting my blog and you do get sucked into trying new products you wouldn't have looked twice at before, but thats part of the fun! I did a post a while back 'So You Just Blog About Makeup' - those of you who are worried what your friends might say or if people will have a little giggle at you, have a read. If thats the only reason holding you back from starting your blog then don't let it stop you!

If you decide to do this tag, please let me know (and drop Kayleigh a little message) - I'd love to see your own answers :)


  1. Aw, i love this tag idea! Great post and i really enjoyed reading your answers.

    I agree with completely about blogging, i really do not know what i would do without it!

    Natalie xx

  2. Its such a nice idea :) You should do it :)! Yess I wish I'd started mine sooner - i was contemplating writing it for about a year before i started it! xx

  3. Ahhh you did this at the perfect time Beth! My poor blog has been so neglected :( I'm back in the zone now! Weee! :D Loved your answeres, especially the comment about your followers! xxxxxx

    1. Aww ive missed you on the blogging scene lovely!! Come baaaaack! :) Im so chuffed youre back in the zone! haha ive missed your posts :( xxx

  4. This is such a lovely post, I completely agreeing with everything you have said. I think i'll do this tag myself at some point :) x

    1. Yes definately do it and let me know when you have :) its good reading other peoples thoughts on it xx

  5. Totally agree with the comment about interacting with followers... and my pet hate is the same, nothing puts me off more then the 'follow me and I'll follow' back comment. I follow blogs that I enjoy reading, not for any other reason! Blogging for me also really relaxing, it's TOTALLY good for the soul and helps me wind down after work!!

    1. I just dont get it at all - it defeats the object of being a blogger and i bet half the 'followers' they have never even read their blog because theyre almost forced into following? annoyance :) Yess I always go on blogger when i fancy a bit of relaxation too - either for a read or to write a new post! xx

  6. Great answers! I love the 'beauty blogging good for the soul not for the bank balance' comment - so true! I think this is such a fun tag, it helps us with inspiration & hopefully it will encourage others to step into the world of blogging! X

    1. haha its soo true - but so worth it :P Yess its a fun tag to do - let me know if you decide to do it :) xx

  7. I may give this a shot later on, it's bookmarked!

    1. definately do :) let me know if you decide to do it :) xx

  8. I think I pretty much agree with everything you've said, I love how many positive aspects there are to blogging. I love how many people there are in the blogging world that I can relate to, often a lot more than people I know outside of blogging, and for me the friends I've got as a result, whether they're just online or now in real life as well are ones that are a big part of my life and I wouldn't change for anything. Lovely post xxx

  9. Oh I'd really like to do this tag :) What I great Idea!! I agree with you, there are loads of reasons I love blogging.. xx I f I do the tag I will let you know!

  10. awww lovely answers!!


  11. My bank balance has suffered a little too much from blogging, but I really don't know what I would do without it either (so cheeeeesy)! Lovely post with some really great tips! Cannot beat some twitter banter :) xxx

  12. I am SO glad that I found your blog. I love it!
    I too remember the days of being Girl Talk obsessed. My friends and I even started up our own little Girl Talk beauty club aged about 8 or 9!!
    Really like this post.
    One happy new follower :)
    N xoxo

  13. love your answers hun, and you have given the best blogging tip! I think it makes so much difference to make an effort with those who read and follow your blog, build up good relationships. it all helps xx

  14. Hey :)
    this is really inspired me to do this tag, & it's got me motivated :)
    thanks for posting this :)


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x