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Tuesday 15 May 2012

Lush 'Ickle Baby Bot' Bath Bomb

I must admit, I am a bit of a Lush addict (find me a blogger who isn't and I'll eat my bloggery-hat). I love going in there. It's a very happy place to be and the staff are always so chatty and helpful - if i ever fancy a treat, i pop into Lush for a natter and a copy of the 'Lush Times'. I'm very partial to a Dragon's Egg or a Comforter Bubble Bar now and again, but just recently, i have fallen in love and have gotten myself a new man in my life - the famous 'Ickle Baby Bot' bath bomb with his wonderfully happy blue face and stubby little legs. Who can resist that face? I certainly can't, let me tell you. He's fast become my new bath time chummy.

I have sensitive skin, which is ever so annoying as i have to be careful i don't overdose on Lush goodies; it's all very well and good smelling like a strawberry (or whatever scent takes your fancy) but sometimes all these fragrances and colourful glittery things make my skin rebel a little. This is when I treat myself to the robot fella. Admittedly, the Baby Bot is geared towards the smaller people amongst us and i know a lot of yummy mummys use this bath bomb to help send their little ones off to sleep. With the scent of lavender and containing essential oils, it's ingredients have been selected to be mild, gentle and soothing on the skin (lavender is also said to encourage sleepiness). But who says he's just for young'uns? Pffts. Just because I'm 21 doesn't mean this little blue-faced chap can escape me.

Needless to say, he turns your bath water a dazzling shade of blue, and fizzes like a beast (haa). The water is left feeling soft and moisturising and the smell of lavender isn't at all overpowering - it does seem to help you to relax and unwind. After a cruddy day at work, or just when i fancy a bit of relaxation, i always pick one of these up. At £1.85 he's cheap as chips too.

Whats your favourite bathbomb right now? (Im torn between this one, Twilight and Phoenix Rising...)


  1. I really like this bathbomb! Like you, I also have problematic skin and have to be careful sometimes to not use too much product, Ickle baby bot solves that problem and hes bloody adorable! :)

    1. Hes lovely isn't he :)! They should make a pink one too.. xx

  2. I've still not gotten around to trying this bath bomb, he is cute though. I think I might treat myself to him when im next in lush hehe. great review hun x

    1. Oo you should..! He's ever so good :) Especially if you have sensitive skin like myselff xx

  3. I really want to try this, I am always drawn to it when I am in Lush because it is so cute! My favourite bath bomb at the moment is Space Girl, it smells amazing and turns your bath in to a lilac colour :)

    Frances xx

    1. haha me too! Never tried the Space Girl one.. have been meaning too - im always spoilt for choice when i go in there xx

  4. AWWWWHHHH! he looks so cute! i need him! Will definitely pick one of these up when I go to my local lush!

    Take a peak at my blog<3

    Project Rattlebag


  5. looks like you'll be eating your bloggery hat then!
    cos i dont like them :(
    i wish i did but they give me rashes :(

    1. oh nooo its a good job my bloggery hat doesnt really exist then :P haa xx

  6. I love this wee guy!
    So good to your skin cause it is supposed to be used for kid's baths :-)
    my personal face is twilight and the butterball
    I sit at home and just sniff them!

    1. OO yes the butterballs are amazingg - its so hard to pick a favourite! x

  7. That is so cute :) I need to pick up more bath bombs! I am obsessed with the 'twilght' one, it has glitter in it <3
    P.s I got my phone case from my step mom, so I have no idea where she got it. But ive seen a lot that look similar on ebay and amazon <3 Do you have an instagram babe? I have been neglecting my blog lately! BLEH :(

    1. Yesss i love Twilight :) its amazingg
      Aww yess ive found a similar one on Amazon! Thanks honeypiee :) I love it - its so cutee.
      I havent :( i have twitter though? :) xx

    2. Oh man :( You need to invest in one, its sooo much fun <3

  8. "Fizzles like a beast" ooer bahaha <3
    I need a man in my life.. I think he could fill that position right now ;) X

    1. haha he doess.. :P
      Ohh go and grab him quick! xx

  9. I love this bath bomb!
    When I was in work I used to always pick one up on the way home and have a lovely relaxing bath! It helped me sleep too and that's hard for an insomniac like me! lol

    I've awarded you the 'One Lovely Blog' award, :)
    You can check it out on my page


    1. Me too! ive been struggling to sleep just recently too so its nice to have a relaxing bath before bed :)

      oo thankyou lovely i will have a nosey :) xx

  10. Hey beaut! I love Lush bath bombs, but hate cleaning the bath afterwards haha so I stick to WHITE ONES! Haha, this fella is so cute though xxxx

    1. Ohhh yes i often have a pink mark all the way around the bath - mummabear always makes me scrub the bath afterwards..haha
      Oo hes lovely i cant get enough of his robot-y goodness :) xxx

  11. I have become such a lush addict recently also and I am going to have to go out and get this now you have persuaded me :) great blog :) I hope you will follow my blog :)


  12. he's soo cute! I really need to get into using bath bombs more but I don't take many baths as I'm in a student house and the bath rooms a bit gross hahaa great post as always :) xxx

  13. lol such a cute bath product! I can't believe I still haven't tried any Lush products yet. I keep forgetting to pop in when I go to an area which has a Lush store, I really wanna try the lip scrubs :) Jasmine xx

  14. Love this little dude!
    I have the same crappy sensitive skin issues so i try and go for the products without all the sparkles in, it's so not fair though! I love 'lush' can smell it from miles away walking down the street! xo

  15. I love Lush and I also love this product, he's just the cutest thing ever :) a great pick me up after a long day with a price that doesn't burst the bank!

  16. Love love Lush!!! Every christmas all me and my sister ask for is lush products!
    They're great prices and I like the fact they use some natural resources.
    Definately Phoenix Rising! My friend got it for my birthday, now I am hooked!
    Rhiannon x


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