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Thursday 1 January 2015

Reflecting on 2014 & My New Years Resolutions!

Pinch, Punch, First of the month and a very HAPPY 2015 FOLKS! What's New Year without a few resolutions, ey?! I know that not everybody likes the whole 'new year new me' rubbish but I'm all in favour of new beginnings and reflecting upon what you might like to do differently in future - it's the perfect excuse to change things you aren't happy with, wipe the slate clean and think about what it is you want to achieve for the year ahead. 2015 really does mark the start of something new for me - I start my new job on Monday (wish me luck!) which is the perfect new beginning and I cannot wait to start doing something I love for a living - I feel extremely lucky to have such a passion for something and to be able to call it work, and I cannot wait to see what happens over the course of the next 12 months. 3 years ago, I made a decision to change something I wasn't happy with and I feel like I'm finally reaping the rewards - it's blooming' fantastic!

2014 was a pretty successful year when I actually think about it.  I finished my degree, graduated with first class honours and I managed to get a placement at an amazing company I've wanted to work with since forever.  Seriously, that sounds a bit corny but it was a big focus of mine throughout my entire degree and I really wanted to satisfy my curiosity.  Not only that, but I ended up going back later on in the year and created my very own card/wrapping paper range which will be on the shelves of a major retailer in 2015 (for those of you who don't know - i studied graphic design/illustration). Its something I've always wanted to do but I never thought it would actually happen - I've ticked something off of my list that I never thought I'd get the chance to accomplish.  I also came away with some new friends - I was so lucky to live with the most lovely bunch of girls for the entire time and it just made it even more of a positive experience for me. Top that off with an amazing week in London with my uni bunch and it was a spiffing year when it came down to that side of things.  Admittedly, 2014 wasn't the best below the surface. It's amazing how a person can have such an effect on your own wellbeing and a lot of rubbish was bought to the forefront for me.  However, I really don't want to focus on the negative so I'll just flip it into a positive - I can honestly say that I really did learn how strong I really am this year and I'm relieved to say that things seem to be getting better and better.  Like I said, what with my new job - I finally have something new to focus on and I really have learnt so much these past 12 months.  I've learnt a lot of life lessons - some of which I wish I didn't have to learn but like they say - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!  Here's my new years resolutions for 2015:

// Take more photos & document the little things more //
I realised the other day that I really haven't documented the past couple of years all that well. I used to be such a sucker for taking photographs and although I've taken a fair few, in this day and age where you genuinely question whether things even happened if you haven't taken a picture (thanks Instagram), I actually haven't taken many whatsoever in the grand scheme of things.  I have some holiday photos and that's about yer lot.  I really want to start Instagram-ing in 2015 and just document the little moments more - like random evenings out and meet-ups with old friends.  I feel sad that I didn't take the time over the past 2 years to do that - at the end of 2015, I'd love to make a little photobook up of my year and be able to remember all the little things.

// Concentrate on my career //
I'm so excited to start my new job!  It's something I've wanted to get in to for a very long time and I'd love to see where it goes this year.  I've never been one to do things by halves and I've always been quite career driven - so it's the perfect chance for me to start pouring some energy into work and hopefully setting down some foundations for the next few years ahead.

// Build my savings back up // 
By heck did my savings take a battering this year.  I saved money like a trooper at my last place of work but I ended up having to use a little bit of it this year whilst I was job hunting after finishing uni.  2015 is the year of savings for me - fun! I have a rather ambitious figure in mind but i have no doubt I'll get there if I go about things the right way.  I'd love to get some solid savings back in the bank for 2016 as I have a lot of things I want to do over the course of the next 2 years. 

// Up my blog game & branch out a little...//
Uni really did knock me off course with my blog slightly.  I managed to keep posting but I just wasn't as in-tune with it as I wanted to be.  December saw me fall back in love with blogging and as a result, it's been rewarding to watch my blog start growing again and I'm feeling more motivated than ever.  I'm hoping I manage to keep it up throughout 2015 - and I'd love to start typing up some more life related rambles.  My 'Expectations of a Twenty-Something' post was one of my most popular to date and I really enjoyed writing it. 

// Squats, Squats, Squats //
Oo - typical new years resolution right here! During the summer, I really did concentrate on toning up my body and I kept it up for a good few months. I noticed such a difference and then as soon as the darker nights started rolling in I let it slide.  I'm not going to totally kid myself and promise to join a gym - because I know the chances of that are pretty slim - however, I would like to get back into home exercise. It's amazing how much better I felt both physically and mentally - and I felt the happiest I've ever felt with my body. In 2015 I'd love to get back on the health kick!

// Stop trying to force things to happen //
I'm often guilty of trying to force things or rush things that I believe to be the right thing for me.  This year,  I've spent way too much time worrying over every little thing - trying to control every single aspect of my life and I think that in 2015, I just need to let things be and stop worrying.  Everything turned out just fine this year and wish I'd spent less time worrying and more time just enjoying situations for what they were. 'What is meant for you will not pass you by...'

// Make more plans - because I finally can!! //
My university days are over and although they were some of the best days of my life, I have to admit I'm so relieved to be earning money again and I'll be glad to have some routine back.  This year, I really want to make some more plans with friends and family - I'm going to make an effort to do more fun things, be a little more spontaneous and just enjoy whatever time I have off.  I'm thinking days out, weekends away and maybe a holiday or two. I just feel as if i'm finally able to really grab life by the horns and do whatever it is I want to do with my spare time.

So there we have it - some new year's resolutions.  On the whole, 2015 is about laying down the foundations for the next few years of my life.  It's always good to have a plan - and I have to say I'm quite proud of myself for always being one step ahead - I'm constantly thinking about what I want to achieve and where I see myself in the future - it's served me well so far and I've never been the type to sit back and rest on my laurels. But more than anything, my main aim is to just be happy and healthy  - to me, that's more important than anything. The past 2 years have been very hit and miss for me but I have to say I finally feel like things really are turning out for the better. I cannot wait to see what this new year holds! New year, new job and a brand new beginning! Here's to 2015 fellow bloggers and Bird's Words readers *raises imaginary champagne glass* - I hope you have a good one!

What are your 2015 resolutions? Let me know if you've done a similar post!


  1. Congrats on the new job! I love hearing career success stories its so inspiring! My resolution is so cliche, I just want to be fit and I did a similar post on my blog as well. Hope you accomplish everything you mentioned this year, good luck and Happy New Year!!

    1. thankyou so much :) I'll have a little nosey at your resolutions - always like to read other peoples! Happy New Year to you too :) xx

  2. Loved reading this post hun! I want to take more photos too,i always wish i had when it comes to the end of the year so this year im going to be making a real effort!

    CharlotteSamantha //

    1. thanks so much :) Exactly how i felt at the end of this year - i have hardly any photographs from 2014! Making more of an effort to take more photographs from now on xx

  3. so happy to hear about your successes this year! Hope 2015 goes wonderfully for you too xx //

    1. thanks so much Anna - hope it's a good one for you too xx

  4. So great to hear you have so much to achieve for the new year!

  5. Congrats on the new job! I'm sure you'll do fine :) In 2009, after receiving a resolution book from my company at the time, we've started writing our own resolutions on the morning of the 31st Dec, including things I want to buy or trips I want to make then we look back throughout the year to see how we're doing. I used to write: I need to do more exercise. Knowing myself as I do, I know I won't be doing much, so this year started to be more realistic and just said walk more, as I really enjoy walking. Need to find some kind of activity which I enjoy doing - I hate running! Overall just want to enjoy every single moment I have and learn to let it go :) Happy 2015

  6. Im glad you enjoyed uni, cant wait till I go haha

  7. It sounds like you had a fantastic 2014 and these are all lovely goals for 2015, I definitely need to join you with the saving! I'm so excited and happy for you about your new job & will be sending you lots of good luck vibes on monday :)
    Love Holly x

  8. This post has made me so incredibly envious. As someone who finished university in 2013 with a tourism degree I'm still struggling on where I want to go in life. I have a seasonal job working in Turkey overseas which yes sounds amazing but like I said it's seasonal. I've never been one to really know what to do and it's come to the stage where it has really upset me and made me quite depressed (not just using that word). Hopefully this year I can find something more permanent and like you start saving as I have so many plans too!! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations on everything you have accomplished this year! I can't wait to read more of your adventures as we pass through 2015. Good luck with everything in life lovely! :) xxx

  9. You are already halfway when you know where to go x.

  10. Lovely post! Congrats on your new job, all the best for 2015! :)

    Life As Lissy

  11. Well, I can't what to see what upping your blog game involves, you're already doing pretty well!!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  12. It's so lovely to hear you be so excited for your year! And you've made me very excited now you've said you're "upping your blog game" oooo! I've done a small post on my resolutions, I'm going to to additional post more into detail though.

    Love your blog xox

  13. Loved this, love reading other people's New Year's Resolutions! I've just published a post with all mine for the coming year:

    Mary //

  14. Happy New Year Beth! I hope you have a wonderful 2015 and a big congratulations on your new job, I hope you get to acheive all your goals for this upcoming year :) xx

  15. Great resolutions! I am currently working part time at a local store as it was the only place that would hire me after having my son in 2013. I really want to do something I enjoy or at the very least something that doesn't involve standing behind a till for the whole day and actually makes me feel like I've accomplished something. I've also really slacked on my blog in 2014 due to feeling disheartened with my photography but I think I've finally sorted that issue out! Good luck xx

    Kat from Blushing Rose

  16. Congratulations on getting the oportunity to design your own card/wrapping paper line, I'm so pleased to hear you've been able to tick off some things that you really wanted to do and congratulations on the first class degree as well x

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

  17. My resolutions are overwhelming and stressful since they're all gearing me for graduating high school, college, and scary things I'm not ready to think about.

    Watching for Pigs on the Wing


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x