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Tuesday 9 April 2013

She Wears Make-up.. So She MUST be Insecure | A Beauty Blogger's Perspective

Okay. So, as a 'beauty blogger', I'm quite aware of the fact that I'm putting myself out there for people to form an instant opinion of me and as fellow bloggers, I'm sure you're all familiar with the whole 'should I tell friends/family?' situation you had to battle with in the early days of writing your blog. Aside from a few jokey comments now and again, my blog has been positively received by my friends, family and colleagues - even the lady who sits with me on the bus on a Thursday evening knows about my blog - for me, it's something I'm proud of and I'd quite happily shout my blog link from the top of the tallest building in my home town and tell everybody that they simply must go and read it (ahaha..okay maybe not THAT proud, but you get the jist..)  People who stumble across my little slice of the interwebs will probably think I'm one heck of a materialistic, beauty-obsessed young female, and that's perfectly fine to think that - but one thing that gets my goat, however, is how people seem to form this opinion of girls (bloggers or non-bloggers) who wear make-up on a daily basis.

We all wear cosmetics for a number of different reasons but show me a beauty blogger who doesn't enjoy the process of testing and trying, and applying and putting on their makeup? If we didn't enjoy doing all of this faffing around, then would we really sit and write about all of these lotions and potions adorning our bathroom shelves? I think not.  For someone who is interested in beauty, it's natural to want to get creative and experiment with cosmetic products and I for one love the process of applying my makeup in the morning - it isn't a chore for me whatsoever and it's something that perks me up for the day ahead.  I hate the expression people sometimes use of 'putting your face on' - it makes it sound like it's some sort of regime used to hide and camouflage what you 'really look like', but for the majority of girls its actually just about extenuating the features you already have - makeup and cosmetics aren't there to hide natural beauty in any way and I know when I put on my makeup, I like it to look as natural as I possibly can - or at least done in a way that it doesn't look 'overdone' or 'false'. I'm sure most of you would agree with this and think of makeup in a similar way yourselves, and from time to time the majority of you have probably also fallen victim to opinionated little sods who notice you have a few flicks of mascara on and label you instantly.

I wear make-up most days. If I'm being totally honest here I never leave it off unless I know I'm staying in the house all day or if I'm on holiday and it's too bloomin' hot to slap anything aside from a dollop of suncream on my face. In summer, I tend to leave the foundation off and ease-up on the eyeliner a little bit but that's about your lot with me! I've never had anyone say anything bad to me about it, but I have had people question me over whether or not I'd ever go out without a face of makeup. My answer is always the same. Yes. But I just wouldn't feel fabulous about it. But not for the reasons people always expect. I'd be telling porkies if I said I felt completely confident without an ounce of make-up on my face (i doubt there's very many girls who could honestly say that too.. if you're reading this and you're one of them - I salute you!), but I just like to make the best of myself - and putting on make-up is my way of prepping myself for the day ahead. After all, you never know what's going to happen. Who says you might not stumble across Mr.Right in Sainsburys carpark (this being said he should fall in love with you with or without a face of slap ;))? Or be offered some form of job opportunity on a whim when having general mosey around town (in this current climate I deem this is highly unlikely, but you have to expect the unexpected - right?) I guess I've always been brought up to believe that first impressions count, and whilst I don't want people to think I'm a dolled up little clown, I also don't want people to think that I can't be bothered with my appearance - in a professional sense, it's always good to look a little polished.  You aren't going to get a dream job by waltzing into an interview with last night's hangover face and a bed head that even Russel Brand would be terrified of, would you?

It just really niggles me that people suggest that girls who wear make up are insecure. Does it not occur to them that maybe they just enjoy to apply it? Or maybe they've been brought up in a household where that's the norm? I see applying make-up as my little morning routine. I get out of bed, shove on my monster feet slippers and shuffle to the bathroom mirror and actually enjoy the process of just 'getting ready'. I'm definitely not a 'shower and go' girl and I never, ever will be. When I was younger, I was always fascinated by make-up and was a typical girlie girl that would steal my mum's lippie and walk around in high heels far too big for my little feet before any of my friends knew what 'eyeshadow' was.  I used to tell everybody at school my dreams of becoming a make-up artist and I loved nothing more than applying cosmetics to my friends faces whilst they sat there bored out of their mind (i must have been a bossy little madam to be friends with back then..)  A few years later and I'm not a make-up artist, but I've always been a creative person (I now study Graphic Design/Illustration and all that jazz) and I enjoy playing around with pretty things and making things look a certain way. I remember taking my make-up off at work once to show one of my colleagues that I actually didn't give a hoot because she made such a big deal about it (although I did put a little bit back on again for reappearing on the shop floor after my lunch hour...)  I guess the point i'm trying to make is, wearing makeup isn't a bad thing and it baffles me as to why some people tar us all with the same brush. We don't all look like drag queens ready for a night on the tiles and heaven forbid we ever do!

I think the key is to establish what is comfortable for you and how you live your life. I certainly never judge a girl who doesn't share the same love for cosmetics and hair-goodies as me.  I sometimes envy those who can just step out of the house and not give a flying monkeys about it, but it's just how I've grown up - I've always been a bit of a girl's girl - I was never one for roughing and tumbling about in the mud with my friend's little brothers when I was younger.  With the pressure put on girls these days to look a certain way, it's hardly surprising that all of us have insecurities and that dolling ourselves up of a morning becomes part of the daily routine, but wearing make-up is often seen as a bad thing by some people - and I just don't think it's fair whatsoever to judge a girl on whether or not she fancies wearing a bit of red lipstick to the office or not. There's no doubt that make-up certainly gives us confidence (if I ever have a meeting, an important day at work, or a presentation at uni, guaranteed I'll always spend an extra five minutes on my makeup that morning because it gives me that extra bit of #GoOnThen), but to assume that a female must be riddled with insecurity simply because she decides to wear a bit of lipstick or adorn a cat-flick with her eyeliner is just a little bit silly and dare I say it, a little ignorant. In the same way that just because I write about beauty and all things cosmetic-related that I simply MUST be ridiculously materialistic..which is probably true in some ways come to think of it..but there's more to my life and things I care about one hell of a lot more than the latest eyeshadow palette.

What are your thoughts on this as fellow beauty lovers?
Have you experienced a similar sort of thing in the past?


  1. Such an excellent post- I totally agree and see makeup as a hobby not a cover-up or costume. I also believe that it's a real confidence booster and I am all for girls feeling their very best- whether that's wearing makeup every day or not! Loved reading this, keep it up! x

    1. Thankyou so much :)! I think the majority of girls see makeup in this way and i find it so frustrating when we get labelled for wearing it - obviously there are extremes and a minority of people do go overboard with it but i certainly dont see it as a cover up for me.
      Im glad you agree :) xx

  2. Wow! I loved this post! I , too, dont often miss a day without putting some makeup on because I love using it and enhancing my features! Id hate to think Id be judged for it though!

    1. thanks Beth! Me too - i see it as a little enhancement not a cover up :) xx

  3. Great post lovely! I completely agree with everything you've said! I've had people say to me 'do you ever not wear makeup' and it makes me think taking pride in my appearance is a BAD thing? Like you I've been brought up loving makeup and being creative with it. I remember watching my mum apply her makeup every morning so for me, its the norm? I don't feel particularly comfortable going out and about without my makeup purely because I don't feel groomed or 'polished' like you say. It certainly doesn't mean I wear it to 'mask' my natural face. I've always believed that makeup enhances women's (and some men's these days haha) natural beauty and features, I've never understood those who presume it completely alters someone's appearance?! I also loved that you took your makeup off at work just to prove a point - good for you! Not that you should of felt you had too in the first place though might I add ;). Anyway, enough of my rambles, if you haven't already guessed by my humongous comment, I loved this post :) x x x.

    1. Wow - I really should of broke this up into paragraphs haha!! Sorry if its a mission to read!! Xx.

    2. thanks Kayleigh :) and thankyou for this lovely comment - im so happy that people agree with this. i was worried id come across as a complete moaning minnie here! I too dont see why taking pride in your appearance is looked upon as a bad thing by some people - ive been judged on the colour of my hair too! As a fellow blondie i bet youve had your fair share of comments? Anyway, jolly well chuffed you agree - us bbloggers need to stick together with this! :) silly ignorant horrible people labelling us all! xx

  4. I'm so glad you addressed this Beth! I know as i'm only 16 that i probably don't need to wear make up and i can look in the mirror and count myself lucky i don't have horrible skin or dark circles and to those that do have this they're often baffled as to why i wear make up most days. As you said it's a hobbie and if the idea of putting make up on gets me out of bed in the morning then i see no problem with it! It's like art on the face if you ask me :) an artist is allowed to paint everyday then why are girls who choose their face as their canvas penalised? Thank you for sharing this with us! I'm so glad others feel the same way as i do! xxx

    1. Thanks so much Olivia! I wore makeup from the age of 14/15 so i can completely understand where youre coming from here. I dont see anything wrong with applying makeup at all - if it makes you feel a little brighter and chirpier then why not? :) I think some people are just very very quick to judge - and thats a shame. Im so glad people agree with things I have said here - as beauty fans im sure we all get this problem from time to time of people being a little opinionated ! xx

  5. I know exactly what you mean! I genuinely like going around boots and looking at all the swatches to the extent I do this when I have some time to kill waiting for a friend who maybe late to meet up or something.
    I also love taking the time to put my make p on before I leave the house. I can quite happily go with the minimum but I like putting a bit of care in to it and testing out new things.
    I even wear lipstick around the house on the days I feel up to it just to brighten my day up.
    Since I started blogging I started wearing more make up on a daily basis and I like this as I feel it makes me look a bit moe healthier.
    I don't NEED to do it. I WANT to because it makes me personally feel happy.

    Great post lovely


    1. thankyou for this comment lovely :) I also love nothing more than going on a trip around the aisles of Boots and swatching all the different products and working out what i might want to buy/try next. I could quite happily go out without anything on too but i just dont feel very ready to face the day if i do! I often put on a slick of lipstick just to brighten up the day also! Sounds like we are very similar! Exactly - its a want, not a need xxx

  6. it annoys me when people say that too, i dont mind not wearing makeup but i prefer to wear it so why shouldnt i? great post beth<3 xxx

    1. And amen to that Joni! haha Me too - i prefer to wear so i will regardless of what people will say to me! Thankyou :) Im happy people agree xx

  7. I loved this post so much beaut and its so true :) i hate being labelled as some sort of weirdo for enjoying experimenting with makeup and liking to feel good. Without no makeup i dont feel myself and like you said there is nothing wrong with wanting to make a good impression in a job interview etc.

    Amazing post :)

    Love Emily xx

    1. Thanks so much chickeypea :) I hate it too - its so unfair. We dont all slap makeup on our faces with a spade and i find it so annoying when people assume. If i feel good when i wear it, then i will jolly well wear it!

  8. I actually didn't wear makeup at all until I was 20 years old. I was insecure and thought makeup was "only for pretty girls," because they enhanced their features and looked more polished. I was insecure about my big nose and weird eyes, and was actually afraid that if I wore makeup, it would look like I was trying too hard, and maybe it would just make me look even worse.

    When my skin started acting up, I turned to makeup to help regain my confidence, as all I could see in the mirror was irritation, redness, and some spots. Now, I don't feel I've ever "caked on" the foundation to try and pass as though I don't have spots, my intention with it has only ever been to give my skin an even appearance, as best I could. Along the way, I'm sure I made a few errors and sometimes didn't blend, blend, blend enough; but the more I read about beauty, and learnt from blogs and YouTube, the more I became confident in the products I was using, and how I applied them.

    I'm actually still of the opinion that it takes a confident woman to step out and wear makeup, because I know how harsh some people can be when things don't look "perfect." That even comes down the the 75 year old lady wearing feathered lipstick. And to me, makeup is all about fun and experimentation - not about putting on a mask, but trying different techniques and products to make certain things stand out, to enhance what you have, and to feel good about yourself. And then there's some women who wear bold colours, heavy eyemakeup, etc... and I applaud them all, because I like to stay in the ~safe~ area of makeup. That's confidence to me.

    It is disappointing that some people out there are so narrow-minded, and think that there is only one characteristic to each person. Oh, she's pushing a stroller, she's a mom; she's eating salad, she's concerned about her weight; she wears makeup, she feels she has something to hide.... There's so much more to everyone than can be let on by one look, one impression...

    This is a great post Beth. You've done a lovely job and clearly lots of people have much to say on the topic. Know that I admire all the beauty bloggers out there for being so confident, and I'm slowly gaining more and more confidence each day by being involved in the beauty blogger community.

  9. I was so excited to read this post Beth! It is so well written and so truthful!!! As I said to you on Twitter, people look at my like im from another planet when i powder my face at work (once a day!), I actually dont care what they are thinking because its what makes me feel confident and happy. I've gotta be honest, I wouldnt leave the house without any makeup on and i certainly do wear make up to encourage me like my appearance and to feel nice, i def would be telling porkies otherwise (hehe) BUT I wear it because I love it and it makes me happy!!! I do often wonder what others do think, I sometimes wonder if they think im trying to make myself look better or am vein only because im not afraid to check my makeup in the mirror - I am a very insecure person, esp about my looks but makeup changes everything. I love how so many girls can be miles and miles away from each other but share the same passion and love for makeup - thats why i love blogging! Love this post hunny xx

  10. this was such a great post to read! i completely agree with what youve said. I too love to apply makeup and try different looks and that is why i wear makeup! not to hide my face because i am insecure or anything like that... its so annoying when people assume that! theres days (usually a sunday) were il leave the house without any makeup on, but like you said you just feel more put together when you have applied your makeup :) i was reading through the comments and noticed you mentioned about your hair colour.. as a fellow blondie i get that a lot too and it is one of my pet hates!

    really did enjoy this post, thanks for writing it!!


  11. I see makeup as painting; I enjoy the process of picking what lipstick to wear, pulling out a brush, and smoothing a cream and tinted moisturizer on. And I wish that "put your face on" saying would eff off an die already. It is a lifestyle definetly, the enjoyment of pampering yourself that gets all of us into blogging about beauty and putting it all around is. I can't stand judgement and I think it's a personal thing that we do what makes us happy.

  12. Gahh I loved this post! I completely agree with what you said and I don't think that anyone has the right to assume that just because someone likes material possessions that they are a materialistic person! I don't think people realise that everyone thinks differently about different things enough!

    Great post!!

    I would LOVE it if you would check my blog out and maybe even follow too? :D

  13. Hi beautiful - this is such a fab post. Best one I've read so far as it's so relevant to all beauty bloggers. It's such a shame some people are too small minded to actually think, like you said, we actually might enjoy putting on make up? Who would have thought? Excellent post, great read!

    Thank you for sharing, lots of loves ✿

  14. That was such a great post to read! I completely agree with everything you said in it... I'll be the first to admit that I don't particularly feel confident without my makeup on, but I don't wear it purely for that reason. And if I really can't be bothered getting up in the morning and I'm left running out the door for work late and don't have time for much - or any - make up, then I'm alright with that. For me, getting ready can be the best part of the day and the fact that it makes me feel a bit better about myself is only a bonus. I've always been that way and don't think it's a bad thing at all xx

  15. Absolutely love this post! It's so relevant these days and especially in our generation where appearance seems to be so important.
    I'd love it if you'd check out my blog as I love yours!

  16. Brilliant post Beth! I agree with you 100% - im happy to wear the bare minimum too but i wear make-up for the exact same reasons as you because i love it, not because i want to completely cover up my face.

    I love getting ready andenjoying applying it, i don't feel like im ready for the day without it and what you said about first impressions, im the exact same - i like to try and look half decent because you never know who you may run into!

    Natalie xx

  17. I think it's so odd how people can be so judgemental and see wearing makeup as masking your true self or an act of vanity.. I totally agree, it's enjoyable to apply it and completely part of my usual morning routine! xx

  18. I totally agree with you, it is ignorant to assume that a girl is materialistic or insecure just because she enjoys wearing makeup. Us girls have enough negative/unpleasant things to deal with, why shouldn't we take pleasure in something exclusively feminine like cosmetics?
    Great post Beth :)

  19. Couldn't agree with you more darling, as my blog says under my picture.. Everyone is beautiful but we all enjoy enhancing the natural beauty we have.
    Love this post

  20. I honestly can't say I know many people who have a job/go out in public often who don't wear makeup. I know people who wear minimal amounts but I don't know anyone who goes barefaced all the time. I think it tends to be older women who don't wear it apart from nights out etc. I wear it religiously every single day, If I didn't I think people would be fairly offended by my face haha. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say particularly negative things about girls that wear makeup unless they have caked it on in the wrong colour etc.


    Jade | Beauty Butterfly Blog

  21. Great post as usual Beth! I agree completely, I love wearing make up and applying it in the morning prepares me for the day ahead and makes me feel good about myself. I will leave the house without makeup on but I just feel happier and more confident with it on. I find it fun to try out new looks each day and experiment. Xx

  22. Great post. I can't say that anyone has said anything negative about me wearing makeup. I think it would be a different story if I walked out of the house looking like I did it in the dark. I have had people ask me if I will ever go out with no makeup on. I might go out with a little bit but never with nothing. I know I love the makeup process and trying out products in general plus it makes me feel more confident so I see nothing wrong with that. Maybe that's because I was a girly girly and also wanted to be a makeup artist but ended up falling in love with graphic design aswell.

  23. well bloody said Beth! Really enjoyed this post, I think a lot of people judge girls who wear makeup, I've got a friend who constantly says how vain it is that I like to doll myself up and I find it so irritating! I would never judge someone for not wearing makeup so it isn't fair that I get judged for wearing it! If makeup helps a girl too feel more confident and face the day then I see no problem it! I hate that a lot of beauty bloggers get judged for being materialistic too :( really great post as usual :) was really interesting! xxxxx

  24. Beth I loved this. I agree with most of it, disagree with some. I use the term 'Putting my face on'. Not because it's a chore, but because I'm doing exactly that - Putting a face of makeup on. It doesn't have to have a negative meaning :) But then again, I am also someone who very rarely goes for the 'natural' look. I am massively self conscious of my looks and feel that when I do go for a more natural, toned down look, that instead of making my face look better, it just accentuates how fat my face is (My boyfriend always calls me a twat when I say this, but that's how I have always felt) I definitely enjoy trying out new products and I definitely 100% love putting my makeup on. I'm the sort of person who can happily give up an hour of my day to stick a programme on (yup, mostly Buffy), sit down with a cup of tea and really take my time over doing my makeup. I like seeing my face transform! I love buying new products, swatching, looking at how pretty some pieces of makeup really are. And the same goes for skincare. I'm the polar opposite of the majority of my friends. I even have some friends who own mascara and eyeliner and that's it. I genuinely couldn't live like that haha! But that's their choice to wear very little makeup and it's my choice to cake it on. Makeup for me has always been the one thing (other than my boobs lol) that I like about myself. With a face of makeup on, I feel happy and confident and for me it is massively a confidence thing - I feel pretty when I wear makeup and as if the makeup detracts from my weight. And yeah, I know, it's all psychological and in my head and makeup doesn't really make a damn bit of difference to my weight and appearance. But it makes me feel more confident. And I genuinely couldn't care less what anyone thought of me wearing makeup. Hell, if I did, if I had listened to the many negative comments I've had over the years about the amount of makeup I wear, well, I'm just glad I never paid attention :) People will always be happy to place a stereotype - and appearances always, always bring out stereotypes. But the people who stereotype others are usually only doing so because they have their own insecurities which they aren't ready to deal with, so they place insecurities on others. We have as much right to wear makeup as people do not to wear makeup! xo

  25. Yes, yes, && yes!! I loved reading this post. I have always had a love & passion for beauty & makeup, and of course have come across the "oh she wears makeup..." comments. But I've realized I wear makeup because I love it, and it makes me happy, I could care less what others think. Makeup is a great way to enhance natural beauty, and give confidence. I wish I was as confident with sharing my blog though, lol I am totally still in the "I don't want my friends to know I have a beauty blog yet" stage. It was hard enough showing my boyfriend! I kept thinking omg, he's gonna think I'm dumb. But noooope, after first explaining what a beauty blog is, (hehe, boys!) & then showing him mine he was so sweet & supportive. I guess not everyone in life will be as receptive, & it's just a matter of deciding not to give a damn what they say or think! Xox


  26. This is such a brilliant post Beth, I agree with every word!! I've received so much criticism, particularly at Uni, about the fact I love fashion and beauty, they're such a huge part of my life and they make me happy, mainly from the buzz of finding something new that's fantastic, but the criticism has made me doubt myself so much which is horrible. I mainly wear make-up to enhance my features and make myself more confident, like you said first impressions matter and no matter what anyone says a first impression is virtually always based on appearance because you tend to see someone before you speak and get to know them. One of the things I love most about blogging is that we can all talk about the things we like and know that like minded people are reading/talking back so are less likely to criticise :)
    Love Holly x

  27. Great post and well written. Love reading honest, truthful posts.
    Theres an 'ugly' world based around beauty..
    I wouldn't of said wearing make up makes you insecure and totally agree with your comments.
    But sadly, we all live in and is getting increasingly worse society where we are judged, which, sadly, makes us judge ourselves.
    Personally, I like wearing make up, as above, I didn't start wearing make up till I was in my twenties, but I also, in the house or out, I can go without. But I prefer wearing some.
    As long as you are happy in yourself it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks.

  28. I totally agree, I wear make up because I enjoy playing around with colours and creating new looks with the same products, I find it therapeutic. Whilst I do feel more comfortable when I have foundation to even my skin tone and mascara to define my lashes, I don't feel compelled to wear make up everyday. I'll happily turn up to sixth form with a bare face and think nothing of it but I do feel that I like to make an effort with my face on special occasions.
    I think I see make up as more of a fashion accessory, I mean you wouldn't wear a ball gown to school and you wouldn't wear a uniform for a ball. There is a time and a place for make up and I'd also say that there's a limit to what society views as "fake" (but that's a whole other discussion!)
    But all in all I don't think that wearing make up makes any body insecure, it just means you have an interest in something!

    Hazzie xx

  29. Great post btw!

    I totally agree that make-up is just enhancing the features that you already have and that shouldn't be classed as a bad thing. Some days I can go without make-up, others I really can't!! I love putting on make-up and seeing how it alters my face and what products suit me and what doesn't, it's a fun hobby to do! I'm glad that there's people like you who can stand up for us all and say how it really is :)

    Rhiannon xxx

  30. That was really amazing to read! and i am so glad that you addressed this subject as im always trying to tell people exactly this when im wearing makeup. Now i can just add a link to this post. Haha. x

  31. Well said lady. Happy to read this...I agree with so much of what you said xo

  32. I totally agree! Putting my makeup on is my favourite part of the day! Granted it gives me WAY more confidence but I enjoy applying it! Ignore all the judgemental people.. it's your face after all ;)

  33. I totally agree! Putting my makeup on is my favourite part of the day! Granted it gives me WAY more confidence but I enjoy applying it! Ignore all the judgemental people.. it's your face after all ;)

  34. Love this post, I really hate it when girls judge other girls for how little or how much make up they wear. I grew up not being bothered about make up at all, my mum never wore much and didn't until a year or two ago. Now I love it, I still go days without wearing it, sometimes I go to work with just my eyebrows sorted but I love the variety that make up gives xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  35. Great post! I totally agree with you, although make up adds a little confidence it doesn't mean your completely insecure with the way you look. As you said make up is mainly used by most girls to accentuate their natural beauty. It's mean of people to judge girls/women just by if they were make up or not and as you said very ignorant!xx

  36. Fab post Hun, I totally agree! I enjoy wearing my makeup so I'm not changing for anyone :) xx

  37. Fabolous Blog, I really love the quality of each and every image and post of Beauty Products.


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x