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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Fairwell Google Friend Connect - Keep In Contact With Me:

I'm sure you're all aware by now that as of tomorrow, Google Friend Connect will cease to exist and you may miss out on some of your favourite reads. There's no doubt that this is going to effect each of us and blog-traffic altogether, and there is definitely going to be some impact on follower numbers and reading list updates. If you're still unsure as to how this will effect you and your blog then have a read of this:

 This has annoyed me slightly, and i'm sure the majority of the blogosphere will be effected by this change in some way shape or form.. I feel very sad for those whose blogs aren't hosted through blogger, as they are going to potentially lose every single one of the followers they have worked so hard to gain - of course, blogging isn't all about the follower number but after working so hard to build up blogger networks it just seems such a shame.

If you wish to keep in contact with Bird's Words (i would miss you very much if you never visited again..) then i would suggest following me on Bloglovin':

You can also suscribe to me via email (see my side column on my homepage)
You can also contact me through the email address: 

 I'm also planning on making a Twitter account soon, so all of you Twitter-ers can follow my antics via my profile :) I will post a link on my blog once i get it all set up.

Please pass on the word about the changes, so that nobody misses out when the change goes ahead. Hopefully it won't effect us too much and the blogging can go on... 

I will certainly miss my jam-packed reading list very much and i hope i don't lose too many of you - i've found so many fabulous blogs since starting mine in September last year and it's a very big shame that Google have decided to fix something that ain't broke! HMMPH!


  1. I'm following youin Bloglovin, I'd really appreciate you following me back! I still don't understand why they're doing this x

  2. Hun GFC is not going to finish for US that use Only for blogs hosted by wordpress, typepad, etc.

    & to answer your comment.. I have done a review of the pout paints already ( but thanks for the tip, I am actually going to do a new one showing off the new shades I bought and the result when mixing them :D

    Take Care xx

  3. I have tagged you in the 11 Questions Tag! Please see my blog for the full post <3
    Zoe xoxo


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x