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Saturday 31 December 2011

Hello 2012! (& a cheeky sale purchase)..

Well, Christmas has been and gone, and (like every single year) my mind has already turned to booking holidays for the next year ahead (yes, admittedly i did spend about 2 hours online scrolling through various trips to sunnier climes and hovering over the 'book now' button for quite some time last night). It's a bit of a running joke with people at work and my friends that all i can think about is jetting away.. And what clothes and cosmetics i will be buying to take away with me (I know, i'm awful..) But of course, the new year means new year's resolutions (as well as holidays!). I never ever really make New Year's resolutions purely because i never ever keep them! But i thought i'd jot a couple down - for the sake of it :) And because it makes me feel better...

1. Stop spending so much on stuff i don't need. (Pfft.. yeah. As IF this will ever happen.. but i really do need to be more careful with my money now that i've decided to go back into education..i'm spending my money as if i'm still earning my full-time wage :(..woops..)

2. Get a new job. My main one. Every year. And i never do. I don't know why i never do. If i'm honest with myself it's probably because i just can't be bothered..(yes that sounds lazy..i suppose it is). I just hate the whole CV sending, interviewing nightmare and i always put it off. There's nothing really wrong with the job i have now, i love the people i work with (which is probably what has kept me so long!) but i just don't enjoy it anymore after 3 years of doing the same things every day..I thought that dropping down my hours would help, but it hasn't. It's just made me more determined to get out of retail!

3. Get FLIPPING ORGANISED! On the surface i do come across as rather organised, but the truth is i'm really not. I have a tendancy to forget ANYTHING and everything people tell me and i need to brush up on my organising/time management skills now i'm doing my uni course.

SO, my first resolution would have been broken if today were the 1st January (hehe..) because i was strolling through Boots on my way to workies this morning and spotted this..

St Tropez Tanning Set - Was £30 Now £15
Everything in Boots' 'present' range (basically anything with the gift picture on it) is half price! You can imagine my excitement... I would have spent longer in there and probably bought a basket full of beauty goodies however it was 10 to 9 and time wasn't on my side. I also had my eye on some pretty photoframes and an Umberto Giannini 'Big Hair' set.. 
But i decided to go for the St Tropez.

It's my favourite brand of fake tan..although it's a bit bloody expensive! OOF! But i justify the price because it really is THAT.good. I love it. I use it for every night out and i find the application so easy and i find that the colour always looks more natural..and less 'orange'. It also doesn't leave me smelling like a great big soggy biscuit..which is a very big plus!  (Dont you just hate smelling like a digestive after applying fake tan..)
In this set you get:
Self Tan Bronzing Mousse 120ml
Wash off Instant Glow Face Lotion 50ml *been eyeing this up on for ages so i was extreme-chuffed that they threw this in there too!*
Gold Illuminator 50ml
Tan Applicator Mitt *I should hope they throw a mitt in too for the price!*

I shall do a little review on this set once i've had the oppurtunity to use it. The only St Tropez products i've ever used is the mousse and the gradual tan and i've always been impressed by both - so i'm expecting good things from this little gem of a set :)
Infact, i may actually save the illuminator for my holidays.... ;) 

And that leaves me to wish all of of you a very Happy New Year! 
I hope 2012 brings you lots of happiness and fun times :)

(I thought this last picture described my 'New Year' thoughts quite well?...)

What are all your New Year's resolutions? If you do have any at all! :)

    Lots of love 

(P.S.. I've just noticed i'm on 99 followers.. One more before midnight is now my aim for this year! ha :))


  1. I rhave similar New Year Resolutions, hopefully some of them will actually happen this year! That St Tropez set was a bargain!

  2. That 1st resolution is definitely a good one!

    Happy new year!


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