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Wednesday 11 January 2012

..So you just blog about make-up?

 [Image sourced from WeHeartIt]

I love blogging. It gives me something to do on these long winter evenings, it gives me somewhere to have a bit of a rant, it's fun, it's a hobby and above all i love having a chat with my fellow followers and beauty-fanatics. What annoys me, is when people ask about my blog, or upon telling them what it's about, they either lose interest, look at me like i'm having a laugh, or stare at me like i've just killed their cat or something.. 

Yes, i write about makeup and the clothes i like. I suppose it does sound little bit superficial to most people doesn't it. I do try and include a little bit of 'me' in here too.. For me this is almost like an online diary.  If i enjoy doing it then why is it so 'silly'?..

I often read people's blogs and discover that none of their friends or family know about their little corner of the internet. Admittedly, a select few of my friends don't know about my blog (i'm actually a little bit embarassed to tell them because i know what their reaction will be), but mostly the majority of my friends and family know. My dad often comes up to me and asks 'so how many of those follower things have you reached now?'
Ahaha. Bless him. 

What people don't realise is that it's not just about writing a few words on a page about a new lipstick or a new jumper you've just bought, it's the fact that someone somewhere has probably found your review helpful, and that people want to read what you've written. It's not as if 'makeup' is all im about; I love to read, paint, draw..i'd love to go into illustration one day and my makeup bag hasn't got anything to do with that..  but why not spend some of my free time writing about one of my interests? If anything it helps with my writing skills ;) 

[Image sourced from WeHeartIt]
Ee Lauren Conrad's 'Style' book..i've read and re-read this from cover to cover..

I tell most people about my blog now. I've told my friends (including friends of the male variety), my mum, my dad, my gran, my boyfriend, his family, even the nice lady who i see on the bus and have muchos lovely chats with....
(she now reads my blog..)

Stuff the people that think it's ridiculous. 
Go ahead. 'Av a reet good hearty chuckle about it and be done.
If they want to have a bit of a giggle at you, let them 
(but i bet your blog is secretly saved in their favourites anyway..they just won't tell you that..) 

What's everyone elses experience with telling people about your blog? Or do you keep it to yourself?


  1. Really good post, I know girls who have made bitchy comments about other girls who have blogs and it's just so immature but it makes you want to keep it a secret! If they're looking they're obviously interested and as you said probably adding to their favourites haha xo

  2. I keep it to myself. My husband knows about it and thinks what i write about is great. My mum kind of knows (she just thinks of it as a sort of online diary). I don't want everyone to know about it 'cause I sometimes write about really personal stuff that i dont want the people around me to know.

    Holli x
    Enter my giveaway!

  3. Awesome post Beth :) Blogging shouldn't be something to be ashamed or embarrased of, but it is due to some people who are just immature and probably jealous that they didn't think to start one for themselves!
    My parents know I blog, as does my boyfriend. I haven't told any of my friends because well, I'm kind of not in the same boat as them haha and I like my blog to be something for myself really where I can talk to all of you lovely lot about the stuff we find interesting! Not everyone likes the same things, that's why blogging is so great, because you are guaranteed to find somebody you can talk to about the things you love :)

  4. This is such a great post. Personally, I keep my blog to myself. I've thought about telling my mom about it but I think she would turn around and say that I'm spending too much money on make-up. I have mentioned it to my boyfriend but that's pretty much it.

  5. What a fab post :) I have been planning to do a post like this for so long but just never get around to it!

    I sometimes wonder whether people find my blog boring or wonder why I put posts about music/life/or posts with a massive ramble before any review/products/photos's just me :) My blog is mine and it's how I want it to be. It's not just a beauty blog, anything could pop up at any time!

    As for telling sister knows and at first joked about me and my 'blogger friends', like when I take photos of products...and she gets annoyed when I ask her to take 'OOTD' photos of me, haha! But after I explained to my sister and parents why I blog and about the community, they understood. I find it useful to read/share reviews on products or find out/inform others of exciting new things :)
    I have told a few close friends and ONCE posted on my (personal) Facebook about my blog, but only because I got excited that Kandee Shoes had found my post about them and linked me, which was such a suprise :)

    I agree, blogging is like a little online diary, though not quite as personal as my actual diary is... It's nice to sit and write a post to take your mind off things.

    I worry about bitchyness, as I have seen a lot of hate from 'trolls' on blogger's Youtube videos, which puts me off going on to do videos. I have been lucky to not be at the receiving end of any bitchyness so far :)

    and lol at the lady on the bus now reading your blog, that's cool!

    1. I feel exactly the same about mine! I know i have a tendancy to ramble on about my life and i think 'do people actually READ this?!' - but i read other people's so i just think that people must read mine back! I try and break it up with a few photos and stuff :)

      Ahahaa i know what you mean! I often have a lipstick set up on my windowsill and im getting into taking some photographs up close and my mother walks in like 'Beth :| what are you doing? :|'..,

      Andd yess - i couldn't do youtube. Not yet anyway. Id cry if anyone said anything remotely horrible to me! :P

      Im a follower of your blog by the way - always enjoy reading your posts =]

    2. Just saw your reply and it made me smile :)

      I feel the same, but I still carry on typing away haha! and I do the same, put some photos to break it up. I figure if people aren't interested in the text, they can always scroll down to the photos :)

      Haha, bless our parents! I remember I was swatching my Frontcover set all up my arm and my parents just looked at me in a strange way lol!

      I would be the same, if I got a horrible comment it would completely put me off... It would be fun to do videos though, I always love watching others vids :)

      Aww, thank you :) I enjoy reading your posts too! It's nice when a blogger whose blog you like to read likes to read yours too!


  6. Love this post! I totally know what you mean. When I just started it was just every other week I would write I hardly had followers and told none of my Facebook world about it. Little by little I got more views & followers & when I was ready to write it in my wall on fb like hey go check out my beauty blog I was a little hmmm are people going to think wtf? A blog over make up...?? Haha long story short I went at it & now so mny people give so much feedback! I think it pushes me more to do more beauty blogs because they truly are helpful to girls :)

  7. Great post, my bf knows about my blog and that is all. I'm still very new to the blogging world, but having moved to a small town in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the world from my family and friends its great to be able to talk to like minded people about makeup and outfits etc. I will eventually share my blog with friends and family regardless of whether they "get it" or not!

  8. I haven't told anyone about mine, mainly because I don't think they would understand it, maybe I will if it takes off, who knows! I quite like having something just for me anyway


  9. great post... the only person who knows about my blog is my best friend! Any one else would think it was 'wierd' and not understand it :-( Lizzy, xxx

  10. LOVE this post1 I'm 100% the same way! Often I write about nothing, everything, nothing. LOL. I have no real topic to my blog. My friend Jin the other day called it a lifestyle blog, which I love.

    But when it comes to blogging, you just need to be yourself. The way I see it, if people want to read about sugar coated hollywood stories and meaningless junk then they can purchase a copy of the US Weeky from there local drugstore.

    but that's just me! ha!

    Now following you... would love it if you could visit sometime and follow back?


  11. I love blogging too.. ! Your blog is soo cute I love the layout.. x

  12. You speak so much sense, I get this to! But most people understand my makeup addiction, (i also freelance) but nobody really likes talking to me about it, they're not that interested, so its nice to have a community that 'gets' you :).

    1. Yess i know. Most people dont understand my excitement over a new lippie/blush or something.. so its nice to have some fellow-minded girliess to share my obsessions with! :) xx

  13. I think your blog is great. they do not know how to use information from you. Cheer up girl =P

  14. You have a gorgeous blog and you should be proud of it! My boyfriend reads mine and supports me in it but I haven't really told anyone else because I don't really think they'd care! None of my friends or family share the same obsessive nature that I do wih beauty so I don't see the point in telling them about it! xxx

  15. Beth... ive got to be honest here and tell you that you kind if inspire me! you were the first person i started to follow when i set up my account and one of the reasons why i started up my own blog! And when yo write like this it just puts into reality how much negativity there is surrounding every little thing people decide to do and really that s why noone knows that i blog, and it will stay that way for a very ver very long time... hehe i love that you are open about yours with our family:) x

    1. Aww this was such a lovely comment to recieve <3 thankyou so much, i read it whilst on the bus to work and it really made me smile.. so thankyou! I always read your blog when you pop up onto my reading list :) Yess indeed its very silly how people don't share the same OBSESSION over makeup/beauty shizz/fashion as we do isnt it :P

      lots of love,

  16. Great post, I totally feel the same way! My blog's fairly new at the moment and whilst I am yet to give the url out to anyone I know, I have told a few select people that I'm a blogger. For now I'm happy keeping my blog to myself and making great connections with my fellow bloggers. One of the main reasons that I got into blogging was to connect with other people who love clothes and make-up as much as I do, deffo my fave part of blogging! x

    1. I know what you mean. I started mine back in September/October and i didn't tell anyone for absoloutely aaaaaaages. Until i got it looking exactly how i wanted it and stuff - then i showed my family and i think they were quite impressed that a little computer dunce like me had worked out how to make my own blog :P xx

  17. I've just given you a blog award, have a look:)

    1. Aww THANKYOUUUU :D i shall pop over to your blog and have a peek :)
      lots of love xx

  18. LOVE this post :) People in my life (mainly the boys haha) just don't understand! I have to admit a lot of my girl friends think it's awesome, but older people and the guys are just like it's so pathetic blogging about makeup and stuff. Everyone in my life knows about it now, after i told one friend and she blabbed to everyone! But i am not embarrassed or anything anymore (i was when i first started though, majorly!), i love blogging. It's such a fun hobby :) really loved reading this <3 xoxo

  19. How did I not read this? I love it. I tell people, I do not care. I am actually probably going to start a YouTube channel too because I really want to learn more about video editing and stuff like that. I also love giving reviews and writing, in general. Its positive&expressive and let the haters hate!

  20. People who don't blog tend to thing its a bit lame, until they read your posts and see what you read and then they kinda get it! xo


I always read all of my lovely comments. Make sure you check back as i often reply but if you do have a specific question and want a quicker response then please do email me over at or tweet me (@Beth_BirdsWords). Thank you for all your support! x