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Sunday 13 October 2013

LUSH Skin Care | Tea Tree Toner Water

Lush Tea Tree Toner Water | 100g (small) [Link]

When I head into LUSH, I usually make a bee-line straight for the lip scrubs or the bath bombs (the Babybot to be precise...oh how I love his calming, bubbly influence).  However, a couple of months ago, I decided to branch out, be a bit devilish and give one of their skin care products a whirl after a recommendation from my lovely friend Emily (you can find her blog here).  She's become such a good friend of mine over the past half a year or so, and she is the first person I go to for skin care advice or if I want to know about a certain product - she knows quite a bit about certain brands and she's always telling me about the latest face mask she's been trying, or the latest products she's been using at work.  When she mentioned the Lush Tea Tree Water - I was sold instantly.  I'm a big fan of tea tree - I've used it since I was a teenager and I find it works a treat for my skin.   Just for reference, I don't suffer with acne.  I do, however, have sensitive skin that is prone to breakouts around my chin if I'm stressed, if it's the 'time of the month' (i know a lot of you will feel my pain with this one - literally), or if I've had a few late nights. I mostly have fairly clear skin but it is combination - I really do have to watch what I use on it.

I use this toner water mostly at night - after I've taken my make-up off for the day and cleansed and washed my face.  I simply pump a couple of sprays onto a cotton pad and sweep it across my face and down my neck to remove any nasties that have been left behind when cleansing and to freshen up my skin before bed.  I've also used it in the morning for a quick 'spruce' up - and I've also used it as a refreshing mist throughout the warmer weather we had a couple of months back.  It really is a versatile little product - a toner and a facial mist in one. It doesn't smell overly powerful - those of you who are familiar with tea tree will know that it often has the power to knock your socks off a little bit - but this smells really nice and fresh, with just a light scent of tea tree that's both gentle and calming.  It doesn't sting - it feels really nice to apply and 'sweep' across the face and it removes any trace of makeup or dirt left on the face.   It says on the bottle that it's suitable for those with oily skin types.  I actually have combination skin and I haven't found it drying or harsh on the slightly more dry areas of my face, and I've actually found it to help balance out my skin.   It gets rid of any oil around my t-zone and helps to soothe any redness.

If you suffer with spot-prone skin or feel a little bit 'out of balance' - I'd really recommend giving this a go. Even if you don't suffer a great deal with spots but want a refreshing toner/face mist then I'd still say it's worth a try - I reckon most skin types would get on well with this little beauty (it's received really good reviews on their website and also on a lot of blogs).  The ingredients are really gentle on the skin and I find they have a real calming influence on my complexion.  The spray nozzle makes it easy to disperse just the right amount as opposed to a 'tip and spill' sort of bottle that can often result in a bit of a kerfuffle if you're not careful (also saves on wasted product!) For £3.95 for 100g, it really is affordable and totally worth the money in my opinion - I've had this small bottle for a good couple of months or so now and I still have plenty left!

Have you tried the Lush Tea Tree Water?  Are there any other Lush skin care products you'd recommend?


  1. I love tea tree and my skin is also combination/sensitive so il definately have to give this a try! xxx

    1. oo sounds exactly like mine! definitely give it a go :) x

  2. That sounds perfect for my skin type, My skin gets to red and aggy depending on what I have eaten


    1. oh goodness mine does too! Can tell if i havent been drinking enough water as well x

  3. I purchased this product a very long, long time ago and I thought it was okay. Now that my skin has changed a little bit I've been thinking about giving it another try. It sounds great! And the price is just right.

  4. I love the tea tree water does wonders for my skin lovely review chick! x great blog too! now following you :D x

  5. Oh my I need this product in my life! I have oily skin but I've always avoided tea tree as I believed it was too harsh for my skin, but I recently bought some tea tree products and have found them great! I do find that I don't feel that my makeup is fully off though so will definitely be purchasing this product!

    Thanks for the influence ;)

  6. Wow! Love the sound of this. I have been a firm believer in the Body Shop's tea tree range but may give this one a go. Great post! – A blog for the modern man

  7. I had forgotten that I loved this a few years ago. I will have to pick it up next time I'm in lush.

  8. Oh this sounds lovely, I used to use tea tree alot when I was younger and yes it is powerful! I love that this is a spray and is quite refreshing, need to pick one up when I'm in lush next to help with my odd time of the month break outs! Mentioned you in my latest post sweet mwah

    Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube

  9. This sounds so good, I might purchase this for when my skin is having a bit of a tantrum! xxx

  10. I love Lush toners, this is one of my favourites.

    Katie x |

  11. Ive been having a nightmare with spots on my chin lately and usually i barely get any so i might have to pick this up next time im in Lush and see if it helps!

    Natalie xx

  12. I haven't tried this but it's on my list! I love using tea tree on spots so I think that using this toner would be great for my skin :)

    Sarah | More Than Adored

  13. OH this sounds lovely! I will have to give it a try on my next stop at Lush.


  14. I should definitely try this, I love everything tea tree! xx

  15. Oooh this sounds right up my street, I definitely need to find something that's like the Caudalie beauty elixir as my love for it is become a quite expensive habit haha :)

  16. I have wanted this for a while now and now im back at uni I have no excuse but to pick it up - there is a lush store in the mall... perfection!

  17. I've actually always wanted to try this! thanks for the review xo

  18. I've been thinking of trying this for a while, it sounds really good and I bet it's so refreshing :) I really need a trip to Lush soon there's so much I want to try!
    Love Holly x

  19. oo one to put on my little list of ever growing products to try :) this sounds really good!
    Amy x
    -A Little Boat Sailing-

  20. Ooo this sounds perfect for me! I get spots around my chin when I'm stressed or run down too - got a bad bout of the buggers at the minute actually. Sounds a lot more gentle than applying tea tree directly, plus I'm a sucker for face mists.Thanks for sharing!

    Claire x

  21. Great post. I nominated you for the versatile blogger award xx

  22. I really like this toner & have a little bottle in my handbag & use it to freshen up during the day.

  23. i love tea water 2 ! i have a bigger botle!

    lovely blog do you have!
    lots of love

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