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Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Years Blog Resolutions & Personal Aims

Tree & Decorations - John Lewis

With the festive season at an end and the New Years celebrations of last night over with, I thought I would write a little chit-chatty post for you all.  I thought my readers might like to know what they can expect from me in 2013, as well as helping me along with some of my more personal goals. 2012 has been a pretty good year for me. It has seen me land a work placement within the Graphic Design field - giving me a clearer a path as to where I'm headed and making me realise exactly what I want out of a career. It's also been a fabulous year for my blog - even though i began writing in October 2011, it was this year that I really got my head down and began to really emerge myself in the whole blogger community and I have enjoyed every single minute of it. I raise my imaginary champagne glass and propose an imaginary toast to all of you sat behind your laptops and say 'here's to another year'...! Let's make it a good'un girls!

Blogging Aims and Resolutions 

Continue to grow as a blogger and continue to post regularly.
I always try to write 2-3 posts a week, and I'd love to keep this up as it's something I really enjoy and I like having a routine for my blog. I'm always learning every step of the way and I'm really proud that I've designed every aspect of this blog - Google has most certainly been my friend this past year!

Try my hand in YouTube
I'm still unsure as to whether I will ever reach this goal or not. There is something about YouTube that absolutely terrifies me but I love the idea of you all being able to get to know me better as a person - this way, when you read my posts you will be getting a much more personal experience.

Post more Outfit and Face of the Day posts
I've always been wary of posting photos of myself on the interwebs, and it's the reason I've always held back in doing a lot of outfit and face posts. The Internet is a scary place and I've always been very aware of this - I just hate the thought of my blog falling into the wrong hands but in a way I just think, why should I hold back from enjoying my blog and being a beauty blogger just because of this? The internet can also be a wonderful place full of fabulous opportunities and if I do more posts like this then hopefully you as readers will feel as if you know me a little better. Now I have my new camera I feel really inspired to get more creative with my posts.

After receiving my new camera, I really want to step my game up a notch and develop a more professional looking blog.

Attend a meet-up & an event
The past year I've gotten to know so many of you and I'd love it so much if I could attend a meet-up. I'd also love to experience an event - I enjoy blogging no matter what, but it would be lovely to have that experience.

Personal Aims and Resolutions

Have more make-up free days
A recent trip to hospital and being poorly meant I didn't wear makeup for over a week. This week saw my skin look better than it has in a very long time and I saw instant benefits. I have vowed to myself I will take off my face makeup as soon as I get home from now on - the less time I have it on the better.

Bring back my confidence with driving & purchase a sat-nav
When I was doing my driving lessons, I was such a cocky little girl-racer! Now, that's all gone. I haven't driven on a regular basis now for a good few months and it shows. I want to learn to overcome this in 2013. I have found myself only feeling comfortable driving to places I know the way to, which is ridiculous since I've been driving since the day i passed my test! I'm going to buy myself a really good sat-nav to help me with this and if that fails then I'll look into other ways to bring my self-confidence back. I often see glimmers of it returning but 2013 shall be the year I have my girl-racer car-loving tendencies back!

Stop being so worried about everything 
Suffering from panic attacks has a bit of an impact on me as a person. I often say no to doing things out of the ordinary because they make me feel anxious.  I really tried to overcome this in 2011 and 2012, and want to continue to do so. I'd love to stop being such a worrier and tackle things head on.

Get another work placement
I'm a very driven little person sometimes, and I'd love to add another placement to my CV to give me the leading-way above the rest when I finally graduate from university.

A big one for me. I spend my money like it's water. As soon as I get paid I go shopping and although I somehow manage to keep a savings account, I'd love to save a hell of a lot more and stop being so materialistic (pah - who's betting this resolution will be a big fat fail!?)

What are your New Year's Resolutions? Are any of yours the same as mine?

Is there anything you would like to see on my blog in 2013?


  1. Have a go at a spending ban! I'm trying it out as a resolution and don't have much faith in myself - but even if it makes you stop and think you may end up spending less :) x

    1. neither do i! haha I will definitely make the effort to stop and think though :) good luck to us both ;) xx

  2. I'm in the same position as a you with YouTube. I would love start a channel but I am so nervous about it haha! I would love to see you make videos though, you have such a lovely blog that I'm sure you'd be amazing at it :) Lovely post! xx

    1. Aww you should start one!! I know what you mean though - its a scary thought. thankyou so much - im definitely going to try in 2013 to give it a whirl :) x

  3. These are good new years resolutions beth! :)
    And im sure with the driving thing you'll be fine even though if it makes you feel any better, i hate driving- so bad i don't wanna do my theory or test yet! -I've had over 30 lessons haha!
    & with youtube too, if you give it a go & decide you don't like it- then im sure you can tick that off the list haha! xx

    1. Thanks so much Jodie :) aw bless you - i know what you mean! I was so confident when i did my lessons but lost it about a year after i passed my test for some reason. Really want to get it back :( its so hard though! Good luck for your theory and test - its stressful learning to drive! I shall definitely try to give youtube a go! xxx

  4. I want to make some videos too :) Good luck with everything x

    1. Its always been something i want to do ever since i discovered the online beauty community! Best wishes for the new year lovely xx

  5. We've both got quite similar resolutions, I love writing resolutions down somewhere so that it pushes me to stick with them even more! :) Ahh, I completely agree on YouTube, I made one before but then was too nervous on what others would say so deleted my video but I sort of feel as if I'm ready to give it another shot!


    1. Me too! I knew if i didnt write them down i wouldnt stick to them - or id just forget them! Aww no wayy! you should definitely give it another go beaut.. you seem like the chatty type! I bet you'd be really good! Best wishes for the new year xxx

  6. I have the exact same worrying problem as you do and it is definitely on my list of things I want to change this year! Hopefully 2013 is the year us worriers say yes to plenty more things! :)

    Good luck with all your other goals lovely! <3

    1. Its awful isnt it! holds you back on things that other people wouldnt think twice about! its a toughie but we can DO THIS!! haha I hope 2013 brings us lots of happiness and muchos less worrying <3 :)

      Happy new year to you lovely :) xx

  7. Aww these seem really good resolutions & aims :D
    and i'm kind of the same for driving, i just passed last year, i've been further but i panic cause i don't know were i'm going but i'm fine if i know were i'm driving too haha messed up :P

    I'll help give you motivation with your resolutions especially with the driving :)

    plus i'm wanting to put alot more effort in my blog, i negleted it at the beginning but got put more effort in in the last 6 months :)

    good luck with all your goals lovely :)


  8. I love reading other bloggers resolutions, mine are all about blogging, health and saving! xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  9. awwwww raising my imaginary glass and sending you a big cheers back beth :) youve got some great goals aheah. I'm not going to lie, i still find you tube super scary now, but once youve made your first video it becomes less scary. im sure everyone would love to see you try it :)

    happy new year :)

    ive done a resolutions post too if you fancy a read


  10. Great goals! I totally love your blog so I am happy you're so looking forward to continue your posts and continue writing, I always enjoy your writing and have always found your photography lovely as well! Excited to see and read another year of Birds Words!!!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  11. I'm sooo impressed that you designed this blog all on your own Beth, I always thought it was a bought design as it's so good! I'd also love love lovee to see a youtube channel from you and more outfit and face posts, there's nothing to be scared of and everyone loves you anyway :) alsoo yes to meet up please, that was on my resolutions post too xxx

  12. That's such a lovely post dear! Hope you'll have an amazing year :) I didn't really think about any new years resolutions but if I did, they'd be almost identical to yours ha :) I'd love to see you on YouTube, it's something I'd never ever do myself but I love that feeling of getting to know a blogger that little bit better. Still so happy I've found your blog a few weeks ago, it's become one of my faves!! xxx

  13. I've only just come across your blog and I immediately starting following, you are gorgeous and your blog is so cute! I'm now going to read back through posts I've missed out on while I wasn't following you! Haha
    I'd love for you to check out my blog too, although i only started it yesterday so there aren't many posts up yet!

  14. girl Ive been looking at your blog and you are absolutely beautiful! love the posts! really glad i stumbled upon this one.
    good luck with your new years resolutions! i look forward to a few more outfit posts! xxx

  15. fabulous resolutions sweets, good luck with keeping them and I hope 2013 is an amazing one for you and your blog. I would love to meet up with some bloggers this year too... especially you! xxx

  16. I'm also the worlds worst at saving money ! It's also one of my resolutions :)
    hope it goes well ! mine so far is going okay haha doing better but whenever I see a pretty lip shade at work I just havvveee to have it haha !

  17. I think you'd be surprised how many people worry! I had anxiety when I was younger but finally shaken it off and actually enjoying life a lot more! You'll get there :)Good luck with it all!


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  19. really m enjoying to read this post <3 specially save money and photography also on my new year resolution
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